Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Govt servant

Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Government servant during service: DoT OM dated 16.06.2021
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Telecommunications
(Pension Section)
516, Sanchar Bhawan
20, Ashoka Road, New Delhi
Dated: 16 June, 2021
Subject: Payment of family pension, death gratuity and other dues to the family on death of a Government servant during service -reg.
In continuation to this office OM No. 36-03/2019-Pen(T)(i) dated 01.06.2021 (copy enclosed) the undersigned is directed to circulate the following DoP&PW documents regarding the above mentioned subject for information and strict compliance:
i. DO letter No. 1/11/2021-P&PW(E) dated 03.06.2021 from Secretary, DoP&PW
ii. DoP&PW OM No. 1111/2021-P&PW(E) dated 03.06.2021
2. All the concerned offices may take immediate action to appoint Nodal officers for taking necessary action as per para 6 of the above mentioned D.O. letter dated 03rd June 2021 . Dir(Estt.Il) shall be Nodal Officer for DoT, HQ cases.
3. Further, as per para 7 of above mentioned OM dated 03.06.2021, information about details of deceased Govt servants, date of payment of pension, other entitlements, issue of PPO etc with reasons for delay, if any, and remedial action, has been sought by DoP&PW in a tabular form on monthly basis by 10th of every month. For this purpose, Dir (Accounts), DoT, HQ, shall be Nodal Officer for obtaining the information in respect of all Pr.CCA/ CCAs from CGCA, who in turn shall collect and compile for information in respect of all Pr.CCA/CCAs. All the CCA offices must submit the above information to CGCA by 3rd of every month and CGCA should forward the compiled data by 5th of every month to Dir(Accounts), DoT, so that compiled data in respect of DoT could be forwarded to DoP&PW without delay.
Encl: As above.
(Neha Singh)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Ph.011 2303 6213
D.O No 1/11/2021-P&PW (E)
3rd June, 2021
As you are aware, quite a few Government employees/officers have lost their lives in the recent surge of the Covid-19 pandemic. In many cases, the deceased employees/officers were the sole bread-winners of the family. The untimely death of the employees/officers has left the families devastated and also in urgent need of funds in the midst of the pandemic . It is, therefore, incumbent on the Government to ensure that the family pension and other entitlements in respect of the deceased employees are released to their families expeditiously.
2. On death of a Government employee during service, in all cases, family pension is payable @50% of the last pay for a period of first 10 years and @ 30% of the last pay thereafter. The completion of the process of sanction of family pension and its disbursement through the Bank may take some time, as it involves reference to PAO and CPAO. To deal with such situations, Rule 80- A of the CCS (Pension) Rules, 1972 provides for payment of provisional family pension and also provisional death gratuity, pending issue of the Pension Payment Order.
3. Department of Pension & PW has issued instructions vide OM No. 1/11/2020-P&PW (E) dated 29th July, 2020 for sanction of provisional family pension by the Head of Office immediately on receipt of a claim for family pension along with death certificate from the eligible family member, without waiting for forwarding of the family pension case to Pay & Accounts Office. Rule 80-A also provides for payment of provisional death gratuity by the Head of Office, once the family pension/death gratuity case has been forwarded to the PAO.
4. My Department has separately issued instructions to all Ministries/Departments vide O.M. No. No 1/11/2021-P&PW (E) dated 3rd June, 2021 (copy enclosed) for expeditious disbursement of the entitlements of the family on death of a Government servant, including the detailed procedure thereof.
5. I would request you to issue suitable instructions to the concerned officers in the Ministry/Department as well as in the attached and subordinate offices, to strictly comply with the aforesaid rules/instructions for prompt payment of provisional family pension and provisional death gratuity to the nominees/family members. Simultaneously, the process to authorize regular family pension may be completed on highest priority to ensure first payment by the Bank within one month of the receipt of the claim for family pension.
6. I would also request you to appoint a nodal officer, not below the rank of Director/Deputy Secretary, in the Ministry/Department as well as in the Attached/Subordinate Offices, who would coordinate with the family members of the deceased Government employee to extend assistance in paperwork and facilitate expeditious disbursement of the entitlements. Details of nodal officer may be prominently displayed on the website of Ministries/Departments/ attached and subordinate offices.
With Regards
Yours sincerely
Encl: as above.
(lndevar Pandey)
Secretaries of All Ministries/Departments
Source: DOT