One time relaxation for admissibility of official car or in lieu of that Transport Allowance at higher rates during COVID-19

One time relaxation of the condition regarding exercising of option for admissibility of official car or in lieu of that Transport Allowance at higher rates during COVID-19 pandemic
No.21/3/2020-E.II (B)
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
North Block, New Delhi.
Dated the 11 February, 2021.
Subject: One time relaxation of the condition regarding exercising of option for admissibility of official car or in lieu of that Transport Allowance at higher rates during COVID-19 pandemic.
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Department’s O.M. No. 21/5/2017-E.1I(B) dated 07.07.2017 regarding grant of Transport Allowance to Central Government employees wherein in Para 2 (iv) conditions have been mentioned for exercising of option for admissibility of official car or in lieu of that Transport Allowance at higher rates in respect of officers in Pay Level 14 and above.
2. several references are being received in this Department seeking relaxation regarding change of option as some officers preferred their own car in place of official car due to ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and opted to draw Transport Allowance. After change in the circumstances, these officers want to revert back to the facility of official car.
3. The matter has been considered in this Department and in view of the peculiar circumstances arisen due to COVID-19 pandemic, it has been decided to allow one time relaxation of the condition mentioned in Para 2 (iv) of this Department’s O.M. dated 07.07.2017 for exercising of option for availing official car in respect of officers in Pay Level 14 and above. Such relaxation shall be allowed in respect of only those officers who changed their option during the period from 1st April 2020 to 31th December 2020 subject to the condition that they attended the office during the period.
4. This is issued with the approval of the Secretary (Expenditure.)
Hindi version is attached. (I),
(Nirmala Dev)
All Ministries/Departments of the Government of India as per standard distribution list.
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