Payment of DA from 01 Jul 2021: IDA scales of pay in CPSEs on 1987 and 1992 basis

Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on 1987 and 1992 basis
F.No.W-02 / 0003/ 2014-DPE(WC)-GL-XV / 2021
Government of India Ministry of Finance
Department of Public Enterprises
Public Enterprises Bhawan Block 14, CGO Complex,
Lodi Road, New Delhi-110003
Dated: 27th October, 2021
Subject:- Payment of DA to Board level/below Board level executives and non-unionized supervisors following IDA scales of pay in Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSEs) on 1987 and 1992 basis.
The undersigned is directed to refer to Para No.4 of this Department’s O.M . No. 2(50) / 86-DPE(WC) dated 19.07.1995 wherein the rates of DA payable to the executives holding Board level post have been indicated. In accordance with the DA scheme spelt out in Annexure-III of the said O.M, the installments of DA become payable from 1st July and 1st October, every year based on the price increase above quarterly Index average of 1099 ( 1960= 100).
2. In continuation of this Department’s O.M. of even No. dated 03.08.2021, the rates of DA payable to the executives of CPSEs holding Board level post, below Board level post and Non-Unionized Supervisors following IDA pattern of 1992 pay scales may be modified as follows:-
(a) Date from which payable: 01.07.2021
Average AICPI ( 1960= 100) for the quarter March, 2021 to May, 2021 is 7895. The increase over the link point in percentage [(7895- 1099)/ 1099*100] is 618.4%. DA Rates for various Pay Ranges w.e.f. 01.07.2021
DA Rates for various Pay Ranges
Basic Pay per Month | DA Rates |
Upto Rs.3500 | 618.4% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 13592/ – |
Above Rs.3500 and Upto Rs.6500 | 463.8% of pay subject to minimum of Rs.21644 / – |
Above Rs.6500 and Upto Rs.9500 | 371% of pay subject to minimum of Rs.30147/ – |
Above Rs.9500 | 309.2% of pay subject to minimum of Rs.35245/ – |
(b) Date from which payable: 01.10.2021
Average AICPI ( 1960= 100) for the quarter June, 2021 to August, 2021 is 8053. The increase over the link point in percentage [(8053-1099)/ 1099*100] is 632.8%. DA Rates for various Pay Ranges w.e.f. 01.10.2021
DA Rates for various Pay Ranges
Basic Pay per Month | DA Rates |
Upto Rs.3500 | 632.8% of pay subject to minimum of Rs. 13908/- |
Above Rs.3500 and Upto Rs.6500 | 474.6% of pay subject to minimum of Rs.22148/ – |
Above Rs.6500 and Upto Rs.9500 | 379.7% of pay subject to minimum of Rs.30849 / – |
Above Rs.9500 | 316.4% of pay subject to minimum of Rs.36072 / – |
3. The payment on account of dearness allowance involving fractions of 50 paise and above may be rounded off to the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 paise may be ignored.
4 (a) The quantum of IDA payable from 01.07.2021 at the old system of neutralization @ Rs.2.00 per point shift for increase of 94 points, may be Rs.188/ – and at AICPI 7895, DA payable may be Rs. 14379.75 to the executives holding Board level post, below Board level post and non-unionized supervisors following IDA pattern in the CPSEs of 1987 pay scales.
(b) Similarly, The quantum of IDA payable from 01.10.2021 at the old system of neutralization @ Rs.2.00 per point shift for increase of 158 points, may be Rs.316 / – and at AICPI 8053, DA payable may be Rs. 14695.75 to the executives holding Board level post, below Board level post and non-unionized supervisors following IDA pattern in the CPSEs of 1987 pay scales.
5. All administrative Ministries/ Departments of Government of India are requested to bring the foregoing to the notice of the CPSEs under their administrative control for necessary action at their end.
6. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(Samsul Haque)
Under Secretary
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- Payment Of DA From Jul 2021 To The CDA Pattern Employees Of CPSEs As Per 7th CPC Pay Scales
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- Payment Of IDA In CPSEs From 1st July 2021: Revision Of Scales Of Pay W.E.F. 01.01.2007
- Payment Of IDA At Revised Rates In CPSEs: Revision Of Scales Of Pay W.E.F. 01.01.1997