Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Central Health Service (CHS) doctors

Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Central Health Service (CHS) doctors working in Hospitals/ Dispensaries/ Stores in CGHS Units under Central Government
File No.A-45013/09/2020-CHS-V
No. 45013/01/2020-CHS-V [8077716]
Nirman Bhawan, New. Delhi 110 011
Dated, the 1st December, 2021
Subject: – Grant of Conveyance Allowance at the revised rates to Central Health Service (CHS) doctors working in Hospitals/ Dispensaries/ Stores in CGHS Units under Central Government-reg
The undersigned is directed to refer to this Ministry’s OM No. A45012/04/2017-CHS V(PT) dated 09.04.2019 on the above mentioned subject and to say that rate of conveyance allowance admissible to Central Health Service (CHS) doctors working in Hospitals/Dispensaries /Stores in CGHS Units under Central Government have been under consideration of the Government of India.
2. With the approval of Competent Authority it has now been decided that the amount of Conveyance Allowance per month admissible to Central Health Service (CHS) doctors. working in Hospitals/Dispensaries/ Stores in CGHS Units for visiting Hospitals or paying domiciliary visits outside duty hours and performing other official duties, will be as indicated below:-
Sl. No. | Mode of Conveyance | Maximum Rates p.m. | Minimum Rates p.m. |
(i) | For those who maintain their own Motor Car | 7150/- | 350/- |
(ii) | For those who maintain Scooter/Motor Cycle | 2350/- | 175/- |
(iii) | For those who do not maintain either Car or Motor Cycle/Scooter | 1950/- | 130/- |
3. The amount of the Conveyance Allowance will go up by 25 percent each time DA rises by 50 percent as would be done in respect of other DA linked allowance.
4. For entitlement-to the maximum amount of Conveyance Allowance mentioned in Para 2 above, every Specialist/General Duty Medical Officer is required to pay on an average (to be computed for a three month period) a minimum of 20 visits in a month to the hospital or 20 domiciliary visits outside his normal duty hours. Where however, the number of domiciliary visits or visits to hospital fall short of this minimum limit of 20 but not below 6, there should be a proportionate reduction in the conveyance Allowance, subject to minimum grant of conveyance allowance of Rs. 375/-, Rs. 175/- and Rs. 130/- p.m, In case of number of domiciliary visits or visits to the hospital falling below six in number, no conveyance will be admissible. The limit fixed for the ‘minimum number of. 20 visits will not however detract a Specialist/Medical Officer from their responsibility towards the patients to render visit to the hospital or paying domiciliary visits if the situation so warrants.
5. Every Specialists/ Medical, Officer claiming conveyance allowance will have to furnish a certificate along with monthly pay bill to the effect that he is drawing conveyance allowance in fulfillment of condition No. 4 above.
6. No conveyance allowance will be admissible during joining time, leave and any a period of temporary transfer.
7. Medical Officers/Specialists who draw conveyance allowance at the minimum rate specified in Para 2 above and those who do not maintain a motor Car or Motor Cycle/Scooter and draw conveyance allowance @ Rs. 1950/- or Rs. 130 /- p.m. as the case may be, will be required to furnish a certificate along the monthly pay bill, to the effect that the expenditure incurred by them by way of transport/conveyance hire in connection with domiciliary visits/official duty was not less than the amount claimed by them as conveyance allowance.
8. Specialists/Medical Officer in receipt of conveyance allowance, will not be entitled to draw any Daily Allowance or Mileage Allowance for journeys on official duty, whether, within or beyond a radius of eight kilometers within the city municipal limits.
9. In case the conveyance is not maintained or is not available for use, owing to its being out of order or is not used for official journeys /hospital visit for any other reason, for a period of more than 15 days at a time, conveyance allowance will be admissible during such period at the rate prescribed in 2 (iii) above.
10. In the case of Medical Officers/Specialists posted to Hospital Departments in the Dr. Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital and Safdarjung hospital under the CGHS, conveyance allowance in terms of this order will be admissible to those Medical Officers/Specialist who have been allotted a number of CGHS dispensaries and are also available for consultation at the residence of the beneficiaries attached to those dispensaries. Other Medical Officers/Specialists posted to the aforesaid hospitals under the CGHS who are normally not expected to visit dispensaries but occasionally pay domiciliary visits in their zone will be granted conveyance allowance on the basis of log book maintained by them in terms of the Ministry of Finance General orders contained in their OM No. F. 11(5)-E.1V(B)/6o dated the 24th May, 1961 as amended from time to time.
11. This order will take effect from 01.07.2017.
12. The expenditure involved will be met from the source from which the pay of the Specialist/Medical Officers are drawn.
13. These orders are issued in supersession of all the earlier orders on the subject.
14. This issued with the concurrence of Department of Expenditure vide their I.D. Note No. A-27023/1/2021/Pt/E.II B/7th CPC dated 12.10.2021 and OM dated 22.11.2021.
(Rajeev Jaiswal)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India