Withdrawal of 3% fitment benefit allowed to officials/officers – DOP

Withdrawal of 3% fitment benefit allowed to officials/officers already granted MACPs, on their promotion to AAO – DOP Order dated 26.04.2021
No.3 (01)/2015/PA-Admn.I/ 4325 to 4385
Government of India,
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts,
Postal Accounts Wing,
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi. 110 001
Dated: 26.04.2021
1. All Pr.CsCA/ Director General, NICF, Ghitorni / Director, RANKPA, Ghaziabad
2. All GM(F)/DA(P)/ Director (SEA-II), DOT HQ/ CCA
Sub: – Withdrawal of 3% fitment benefit allowed to officials/officers already granted MACPs, on their promotion to AAO-regarding.
I am directed to refer to this office letter No. 3(4)/10/PA Admn.1/475-496 dated 07.02.2013 and 3(1)/15/PA Admn.1/1030-1081 dated 16.10.2019 on the aforementioned subject.
2. The provisions of this office OM dated 07.02.2013 and 16.10.2016, referred above, have been examined in the light of provisions of circular issued by DOP&T vide OM No. 35034/3/2008 – Estt. (D) dated 19.05.2009 and in the light of clarification received from DoP&T vide their ID Note Dy. No.1376647/19/CR dated 08.08.2019. It has been decided that guidelines / clarifications issued vide ibid letters dated 07.02.2013 & 16.10.2019 are hereby withdrawn.
3. In view of above all cases falling under these category may be reviewed and pay may be fixed strictly as per Circular regarding MACP Scheme issued vide DOPT OM No.35034/3/2008-Estt.(D) dated and 19.05.2009 and OM No. 35035/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 22.10.2019.
This issue with the approval of the Competent Authority.
Yours faithfully
Director (PA-Admn)
Ph. No.011-23044913
No.3 (01)/15/PA-Admn.1/1030-1081
Government of India,
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts,
Postal Accounts Wing,
Dak Bhavan, New Delhi. 110 001
Dated: 16/10/2019
The Under Secretary (SEA-II)
Department of Telecommunications
Sanchar Bhawan,
New Delhi-110001.
Sub: Regarding grant of benefit of 3% Fitment of new recruited AAOs.
I am directed to refer to your office letter dated 04.04.2019 on the aforesaid subject forwarding therewith representations of 4 new AAQs for grant of 3% fitment benefit and pay fixation on promotion from Sr. Accountant to AAO cadre (Pay Matrix Level-8) on the basis of qualifying LDCE-2018 after grant of MACP in Level-7. In this regard, it is intimated that the matter has been examined in the light of clarifications/guidelines issued vide this office letter dated 07.02.2013 and letter no.25/7/2019-CS.II(B) dated 27.08.2019 issued by Department of Personnel & Training which envisages as under:-
1. There are two separate cadres available in operational side and PAO side having different line of promotion. The promotional hierarchy of a Postal Assistant is LSG..HSG-II…HSG-I, PA can only become eligible for promotion to JAO (Now merged as AAO) cadre by qualifying the relevant examination. Thus promotion of PA to AAO is not in its promotional hierarchy.
2. Those who have already earned two financial upgradation (TBOP/BCR) and one regular promotion (AAO Cadre) will not be eligible for 3 financial Up gradation under MACP Scheme.
3. The officers who who have got MACP/regular promotion in different hierarchy will be eligible for the benefit of 3% fitment benefit at the time of fixation of pay on regular promotion to AAO cadre, as the promotion to the cadre of AAO is not in the hierarchy of PA (Postal Assistant).
Para 2 of letter no.25/7/2019-CS.II(B) dated 27.08.2019 issued by Department of Personnel & Training further envisages that: –
“Benefit of pay fixation available at the time of regular promotion shall also be allowed at the time of financial upgradation under the Scheme. Therefore, the pay shall be raised by 3% of the total pay in the pay band and the grade pay drawn before such upgradation. There shall, however, be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/grant of Non Functional Scale, if it is in the same grade pay as granted under MACPs. However, at the time of actual promotion/grant of Non Functional Scale, if it happens to be in a post carrying higher grade pay than what is available under MACPs, no pay fixation would be available and only difference of grade pay would be made available/ At the time of such regular promotion/grant of Non-Functional Scale to the higher grade pay than what has been given under MACPs, the employee shall have the option to draw the difference of Grade Pays from the date of such regular promotion/grant of Non-Functional Scale or the date of accrual of next increment in the pay allowed under MACP”.
In view of the rule position as narrated above, AAOs who have been promoted from SA Cadre, and were working in Level-7 after getting MACP-III in SA Cadre, 3% increment fitment benefit is admissible to them while fixation of their pay in AAO cadre, their pay will be fixed in level-8. The officers who were already working in Level-8, there shall, however be no further fixation of pay at the time of regular promotion/grant of Non Functional Scale, if it is in the same grade pay as granted under MACPs.
Therefore, representations of the officers may be disposed off accordingly.
Yours Sincerely,
(C.S. Guleria)
Assistant Director General
No.3 (4)/10/PA-Admn.I/475-496
NEW DELHI – 110 001
Dated: 07th February 2013
Director of Accounts,
Sub:- Seeking clarification regarding admissibility of MACP and fixation of pay there under.
Kindly refer to your office letter No. Admn/A/cs/6th CPC/F-650/2012-13 dated 11/16.1.2013 on the aforesaid subject and the matter is clarified as under:
1. These are two separate cadres applicable in Operational side and PAO side having different line of promotion. The promotional hierarchy of a Postal Assistant is LSG—-HSG-II—–HSG-I. PA can only become eligible for promotion to JAO(now merged as AAQ) cadre by qualifying the relevant examination. Thus promotion of PA to AAO is not in its promotional hierarchy.
2. Those who have already earned two financial upgradation ( TBOP/BCR) and one regular promotion (AAO cadre) will not be eligible for 3rd Financial upgradation under MACP Scheme.
3. The officers who have got MACP/regular promotion in different hierarchy will be eligible for the benefit of 3% fitment benefit at the time of fixation of pay on regular promotions to AAOs cadre, as the promotion to the cadre of AAO is not in the hierarchy of PA.
Yours faithfully
(R. Magadevan)
Assistant Director Gen Aca Rt