Pay Fixation on Promotion to a post carrying same grade pay – AIRF/PNM

Fixation of Pay on Promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying same grade pay – AIRF/PNM
Dated: October 22, 2019
The Member Staff,
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Item No.05/2014 of PNM/AIRF – Fixation of Pay on Promotion to a post carrying higher duties and responsibilities but carrying same grade pay
Ref.: Railway Board’s letter No.PC-VI/2014/IR-A/1 dated 09.10.2019
Reference is invited towards AIRF’s PNM Item No.33/2018, vide which a demand was placed to extend benefit of Fixation of Pay in case of Sr. Goods Guard promoted to the post of Passenger Guard(post carrying higher duties and responsibilities, but carrying same Grade Pay).
Railway Board vide their letter under reference dated 09.10.2019 have declined to accept the demand unjustifiably, although Rule 1313 FR(22)(1)(a)(1) of the IREC, Vol. II, which reads as under, provides for it:-
“(a)(1) Where a Railway Servant holding a post, other than a tenure post, in a substantive or temporary or officiating capacity is promoted or appointed in a substantive, temporary or officiating capacity as the case may be, subject to the fulfillment of the eligibility conditions as prescribed in the relevant Recruitment Rules, to another post carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attaching to the post held by him, his initial pay in the time scale of the higher post shall be fixed at the stage next above the notional pay arrived at by increasing his pay in respect of the lower post held by him regularly by an increment at the stage at which such pay has accrued or rupees twenty five only, whichever is more.” Obviously, Sr. Goods Guard, when promoted to Passenger Guard, although in erstwhile same Grade Pay of Rs.4200, has to assume another post, carrying duties and responsibilities of greater importance than those attaching to the post held by him prior to his promotion. As such, fixation of pay under Rule 1313 FR(22)(1)(a)(1) is fully justified.
Since Railway Board have not accepted our demand, as mentioned above, according to their reply, and the employee appointed as Goods Guard gets benefit of fixation of pay under Rule 1313 FR(22)(1)(a)(1) only two times in his whole career up to his/her promotion to the post of Guard(Mail Express), as such, promotion earned by him/her should be counted as “two” instead of three, and they should be extended benefit of third financial upgradation after completion of 10 years service from the last promotion or 30 years of regular service, whichever is earlier, as has been done in the case of Cashier under RBE No.163/2019.
Yours faithfully,
(Shiva Gopal Mishra)
General Secretary
Copy to: General Secretaries, all affiliated zonal unions – for information.
Source: airfindia
Also check the following links related to this topic:
Fixation of pay on promotion from the Date of Next Increment in lower post
Fixation of pay of increment under Rule 13 of Railway Services (RP) Rules, 2008
Option for fixation of pay on promotion for Railway Employees – Clarification