Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for Railway Employees

Clarification on Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for Railway Employees – RBE No. 13/2020 dated 29.01.2020
(Railway Board)
S.No. PC-VI/401
RBE No. 13/2020
No. PC-V/2016/MACPS/1
New Delhi, Dt. 29-01-2020
The General Manager
A ll Zonal Railways & Pus
(As per mailing list)
Sub:- Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for Railway Employees – Clarification regarding.
Reference is invited to Board ‘s letter No. PC-V/2009/ACP/2 dated 10-6-2009 regarding introduction of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) for Railway Employees based on recommendations of 6th Central Pay Commission. DOP&T vide their OM No. 35034/3/2010-Estt(D) dated 03-8-2010 issued clarification regarding MACPS for the Central Government Civilian employees. The same shall apply mutatis-mutandis on the Railways also.
2. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
DA . As above.
(Sudha A Kujur)
Dy. Director/Pay Commission
Railway Board
DoP&T OM No.35034/3/2010. Estt (D) dated 03.08.2010
No.35034/3/2010. Estt (D)
भारत सरकार
Government of India
कार्मिक, लोक शिकायत तथा पेंशन मंत्रालय
Ministry or Personnel. Public Grievances and Pensions
(कार्मिक और प्रशिक्षण विभाग)
(Department of Personnel & Training)
स्थापना (घ)/Establishment (D)
नार्थ ब्लॉक, नई दिल्ली
North Block, New Delhi
Dated: 3rd August, 2010
Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme for the central Government civilian employees Clarification regarding.
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to the Department of Personnel & Training (DOP&T)’s Office Memorandum of even number dated the 19th May, 2009 on the subject cited above. Consequent upon introduction of the Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS), in view of para 14 of the Annexure-I of the Scheme, a number of proposals/references seeking extension of the Scheme to Central Autonomous/Statutory Bodies under various Ministries/ Departments have been received by the Department of Expenditure. The Department of Expenditure has felt that keeping the large number of Central Autonomous/Statutory Bodies in view, it would be appropriate to delegate the power the approving such proposals to the administrative Ministries/Departments concerned. The Department of Expenditure has accordingly approved for extending the benefits of the MACPS to the Central Autonomous/Statutory Bodies under various Ministries/Departments subject to them Satisfying the following four conditions:
(i) The earlier ACP Scheme was also implemented/adopted by the said Autonomous/ Statutory Body.
(ii) The proposal to adopt MACP Scheme has been approved by the Governing Body/Board of Directors.
(iii) The Administrative Ministry/Financial Adviser of the Ministry has concurred with the proposal.
(iv) The financial implications of adoption of MACP Scheme have been taken into account by the Organisation/Body and the additional financial implications can be met by it within the existing Budget Grants.
2. As per the revised arrangement, the proposal shall be processed by the Financial Advisor concerned in the first instance and subject to it meeting the requirements spelt out at (i), (ii) and (iv) above, he would obtain the orders of the administrative Head/Secretary concerned for approving the extension of MACPS to such a body.
3. Above is brought to the notice of all concerned Ministry/Department in continuation of para 14 of Annexure-I of MACPS dated 19.05.2009.
4. Hindi version will follow.
(A.K. Srivastava)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
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