Grant of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme to Accounts Officer – CGDA

Grant of Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS) to Accounts Officer – CGDA Order No. AN/II/2151/MACPS/AO dated 17.08.2020
Date : 17th August, 2020
All PCsDA/CsDA, PCA(Fys) Kolkata & Admin- Pay Section (Local)
Subject: Modified Assured Career Progression Scheme (MACPS): Accounts Officer
Reference: DoP&T OM No. 35034/3/2015-Estt.(D) dated 22nd October, 2019.
References for grant of MACPS to Accounts Officers of this department have been received in this HQrs Office. On scrutiny of these applications it has been observed that certain information which are required to process the case further have not been provided.
2. Accordingly, it is requested that the cases of Accounts Officers serving under your organization / proforma control, due for grant of MACPS may please be reviewed in the light of DoP&T OM under reference and the case(s) of eligible Accounts Officer(s) for grant of financial benefit under MACPS (due up to March 2021) may please be forwarded to this HQrs office, along with the following information / documents for further examination and necessary action:
(a) Your specific recommendation regarding grant of MACP to eligible Accounts Officer concerned.
(b) APAR grading as applicable in the case (kindly refer para 17 (i) & (ii) of Annexure-I to DOP&T OM under reference).
(C) Service particular in respect of the eligible Accounts Officer concerned, duly cross-checked with the entries made in the Service Book of the officer, may be provided as per Annexure ‘A’ enclosed to this circular.
(d) Whether any penalties are Operative or would become Operative against the Accounts Officer concerned ff so, full details regarding nature of the penalty awarded, the period up to which it will be operative etc, may be furnished in a separate Annexure along with a copy of office order notifying the penalty.
(e) Ten years disciplinary certificate, in accordance with the provisions contained in DOP&T OM No. 22011/5/86-Estt.(D), dated 27.03.1990 in respect of the eligible Accounts Officer concerned may be furnished as per Annexure ‘B’ enclosed to this circular.
3. Further, case(s) of eligible Accounts Officer(s) which were forwarded earlier to this HQrs Office for grant of MACP, may also be reviewed in the light of above mentioned OM and the same may be resend as per the guidelines given in para 2 above, for further necessary action.
4. The requisite information / documents may please be forwarded to this HQrs office urgently by 11th September, 2020.
5. In case no Accounts Officer of the organization is found eligible for grant of MACPS, the same may please be intimated to this HQrs office through a NIL report.
(Dr. f. Gupta)
Sr. Dy. CGDA (AN)
Copy to:-
IT & S Section, HQrs Office – With a request to upload on CGDA website.
(Dr. Amit Gupta)
Sr. Dy. CGDA (AN)
Click here to view/download the pdf
Also check the following links related to this topic:
7th CPC – Benchmarking for financial upgradation under MACPS
Grant of First/Second /Third Financial Up-gradation under MACPs