Financial upgradation to Station Master under MACPs – Clarification

Financial upgradation to Station Master under MACPs – Clarification that merger/upgradation of posts has to be ignored
Headquarter Office/कार्मिक कार्यालय
Personnel Department/कार्मिक विभाग
No. ECoR-HQOPFRS(R)/14/2021(44/21)
Date: 27.08.2021
East Coast Railway.
Sub: Grant of Financial up gradation to Station Master under MACPs in compliance to RBE-26/2020 and RBE-8 1/2020, Clarification reg.
Ref: Railway Board’s Lr. No. -PC-V/2021/MACP/3/SECR(E) dated- 07.06.2021
Replying to a reference from SECR/Bilaspur, Railway Board vide its letter under reference has clarified as under:
- (a) The illustration No. 1, under annexure attached to RBE 81/2020 is a mere coincidence and the letter dated 18.09.2020 is in concurrence with extant policy instructions on MACPS and also Board’s letter dated 25.02.2020 (RBE-26/2020) and dated 24.11.2020 (RBE No-99/2020).(b) Further, it is stated that based on 7th CPC recommendation, the post of ASM (GP 2800) has been merged and upgraded with the post of SM (GP-4200) and implemented vide Board’s letter dated 02.08.2016 (RBE-93/2016). This merger/upgradation has to be ignored for the purpose of grant of financial upgradation under MACPS in terms of Board’s letter dated-25.02.2020 (RBE-26/2020) and 24.11.2020 (RBE-99/2020 circulated vide ECoR’s Estt. Srl. No. 182/2020).
- (a) Thus. the promotion from ASM to SM will continue to be ignored for the purpose of reckoning it awards Non Functional Upgradation (NFU) under MACPS, in terms of RBE-26/2020 i.e. it is not superseded by RBE- 81/2020 as far as promotion from ASM to SM its concerned.
(b) However. it is also confirmed by Railway Board that ASM absorbed in other cadres before promotion to SM are not eligible for the benefit granted under Board’s Lr. Dated 25.02.2020 (RBE-26/2020) & dated 24.11.2020 (RBE-99/2020).
Senior Personnel Officer-I
For Principal Chief Personnel Officer.
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Also check the following links related to this topic:
Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Station Masters – Corrigendum
Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to Station Masters
Grant of 2nd Financial Upgradation under ACP Scheme during 01.01.2006 to 31.08.2008
Grant of 3rd financial upgradation under MACP scheme in the grade pay of Rs.6600/-