Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to the staff in Grade Pay 5400/-

NFIR requested Railway Board – Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to the staff who are in same Grade Pay for more than 20 years
No. IV/MACPS/09/Part 11
Dated: 24/12/2018
The Secretary (E),
Railway Board,
New Delhi
Dear Sir,
Sub: Grant of financial upgradation under MACPS to the staff who are in same Grade Pay for more than 20 years-reg.
Ref: (i) NFIR’s PNM Item No. 1/2011.
(ii) Action Taken Statement provided to NFIR during its PNM meeting held with the Railway Board on 10/11-05-2018.
The subject was discussed in a separate meeting held between the NFIR and Railway Board on 16/10/2017. During discussions, the Official Side conveyed that reply from DoP&T has been received and shared with the Federation. The Official Side further stated that the DoP&T has not agreed to the proposal. Responding to the version of Official Side, NFIR insisted that such of the staff who have completed more than two decades from the date of first promotion and stagnated, should be granted 3rd financial upgradation straightaway under MACPS and requested the Railway Board to make another reference to DoP&T for which suitable examples will be made available by the Federation for referring the matter again to DoP&T.
In this connection, Federation furnishes below a few cases of employees as “illustration” to enable the Railway Board to apprise to the DoP&T, the cases of no promotion for over two decades.
RWF, Yelahanka:
1. Shri M.N. Indrashekar, appointed as Jr. CMA on 26/07/1983 – regularized on 26/07/1984 in GP 4200/-. He was promoted to GP 4600 on 20th May, 1986 (1st promotion) – granted financial upgradation with GP 4800/- on 01/09/2008 instead allowing 3rd financial upgradation with GP 5400 (PB-2) in view of no promotion for over 2 decades.
2. Shri K.S. Dutta Shivrama, appointed as CMA on 18/11/1985 in GP 4200/-, promoted to GP 4600/- on 18-11-1986 – granted financial upgradation in GP 4800/- on 01/09/2008 instead allowing GP 5400, having stagnated for over 2 decades.
3. Shri R.P. Suresh Kumar appointed as CMA on 19/12/1985 in GP 4200, promoted to GP 4600/- on 28-02-1989, granted financial upgradation in GP 4800/- on 01/09/2008.
South Central Railway:
4. Shri Kamal Kumar Kuley, appointed a CMA in GP 4200/- on 18/12/1983, and got promoted to GP 4600/- on 01/01/1984, granted financial upgradation in GP 4800/- on 01/09/2008 instead granting GP 5400 due to stagnation for over 2 decades from the date of first promotion.
5. Shri Amulya Kumar Dhali, appointed as CMA on 31/12/1982 in GP 4200/-, promoted to GP 4600/- on 01/01/1984 and got MACP in GP 4800/- on 01/09/2008 instead GP 5400, for having stagnated for more than 20 years from the date of promotion.
Federation believes that above illustrations are sufficient to justify the demand for grant of MACP benefit to the staff in GP 5400/- as the staff suffered without promotion for over two decades and also to all similarly situated staff who have been in the same Grade Pay for more than two decades. A copy of the reference made to the DoP&T may be made available to the Federation for taking further action.
Yours faithfully,
(Dr. M. Raghayaiah)
General Secretary
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