3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service by MCM/Artisan Staff withdrawn – Clarification by MOD

3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service by such MCM (Master Craftsman) who were in the pay scale of Rs, 4500-7000/- on or before 31.12.2005 – Clarification by MOD
MoD ID No 11(05)/2009/D (Civ-l) dated 04.08.2023
Government of India
Department of Defence
D (Civ-1)
Subject: – 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service by such MCM (Master Craftsman) who were in the pay scale of Rs, 4500-7000/- on or before 31.12.2005-Clarification regarding
Reference: – (i) MoD/D (Civ-I) ID No 11(05)/2009/D(Civ-I) dated 06.02.2014
(ii) MoD/D (Civ-I) ID No 11(05)/2009/D(Civ-I) dated 19.10.2016
(iii) =MoD/D (Civ-I) ID No 11(05)/2009/D(Civ-I) dated 17.02.2021
In continuation of Ministry of Defence ID Note of even number dated 17.02.2021 on the subject cited above, it is stated that DoP&T vide its ID Note No. 1436619/2020/CR dated 31.12.2020 has advised that MoD may review those cases where MoD has already allowed the benefit of 3rd MACP in GP Rs.4600/- in respect of Artisan Staffs by MoD Orders dated 06.02.2014 and 19.10.2016 made in contravention of the advice of DoP&T vide ID Note No. 106253/CR/2012 dated 08.10.2013.
2. The matter has been taken up with DoP&T to reconsider their decision DoP&T vide their ID Note No. 2394237/22/CR dated 17.03.2022 has conveyed that since, there is no change in policy guidelines on ACPS/MACPS, the said advisories vide DoP&T’s ID Note dated 08.10.2013 and 31.12.2020 are hereby reiterated. DoP&T further requested to take necessary action accordingly.
3. In compliance of directions of DoP&T vide their ID Note dated 31.12.2020 & 17.03.2022 and Def(Fin) advice thereon, the competent Authority in MoD has approved for the following: –
(i) MoD ID No. 11(05)/2009-D(Civ-l) dated 06.02.2014 and 19.10.2016 stand withdrawn with immediate effect thereby Pay/Pension of all concerned and affected Artisan Employees may be reviewed and re-fixed. Accordingly, the same will be regulated as per DoP&T OM No. 35034/3/2008-Estt(D) dated 19.05.2009 regarding MACP for the Government Civilian employees.
(ii) Thereafter, all Administrative Divisions/Directorates/Lower Formations be directed to work out the excess payments (data is required to regulate/recover excess payment) made to concerned Artisan Staff upto 31.08.2023 after review of above cases as follows:
(a) Part-I- Where recovery is impermissible
Work out the financial implication (i.e. excess payment) in such cases where recovery would not be permissible as per DoP&T OM No. 18/03/2015-Estt.(Pay-I) dated 02.03.2016. The excess payment may be calculated as per Annexure-I and intimated to MoD/D(Civ-I) for express approval of Department of Expenditure for waiver of recovery in terms of the DoE OM No 18/26/2011-Estt (Pay-I) dated 06.02.2014,
(b) Part — II – Where recovery is permissible
Work-out the financial implication (i.e. excess payment) in such cases where recovery would be permissible as per DoP&T OM No. 18/03/2015-Estt. (Pay-l) dated 02.03.2016. The excess payment may be calculated as per Annexure-II and intimated to MoD/D(Civ-I) along with action recovery from the affected employees. The recovery of excess payments from all concerned would be made only after further direction of MoD.
4. The above comments may be disseminated for information and further implication.
5. This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.
(Subhash Chand)
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
FAX No- 0172-2741611-14
Part I OO No. 27
Dated: 20.10.2023
1. AAO (Pay) WC
Jalandhar Cantt
2. All AOGEs
Under PCDA WC Chandigarh
Subject: 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service by such MCM (Master Craftman) who in the pay scale of Rs.4500-7000/- on or before on or before 31.12.2002-clarification reg.
A copy of HQrs office letter No. HQrs office letter No. AT/II/A/MACP/Vol-I/e-11578 (Part File) dated 12.10.20230n the subject matter is forwarded herewith for information and necessary action.
Further, it is requested to review the cases in light of MoD ID ibid and a report in this regard may be forwarded to this office for further submission to HQrs office.
ACDA (Pay)
Controller General of Defence Accounts
Ulan Batar Road, Palam, Delhi Cantt— 110010
AT/II/A/MACP/Vol-I/e-11578(Part File)
Date: 10.10.2023
The concerned PCsDA/CsDA
Subject: 3rd MACP on completion of 30 years of service by such MCM (Master Craftsman) who were in the pay scale of Rs. 4500-7000/- on or before 31.12.2002-clarification reg.
Please find enclosed a copy of MoD, D (Civ-I) ID No. 11(05)/2009/D (Civ-I) dated 04.08.2023, in above regard, wherein MoD has circulated the clarification on the above subject matter.
2. In this regard, para 3(i) of ibid MoD ID letter may please be referred and further necessary action as directed thereby may be taken immediately.
3. This issues with the approval of Sr. Jt. CGDA(AT).
Sr. Accounts Officer