Grant of 2nd & 3rd MACP to Postal Assistant/Postman

Representation of Shri S.L.Khamkar, Postal Assistant Mumbai city North East Division, Maharashtra for grant of benefit of MACP-2nd & 3rd
Government Of India
Ministry Of Communications
Department of Posts
Dak Bhawan, Sansad Marg
New Delhi – 110001
The Chief Postmaster General
Maharashtra Circle, Mumbai – 400 001
Representation of Shri S.L.Khamkar, Postal Assistant Mumbai city North East Division, Maharashtra for grant of benefit of MACP-2nd & 3rd -reg.
I am directed to refer to your letter No.STA/10-35/MACP/09/21 dated 14.09.2017 on the subject noted above. The representation of the official has been examined and considered by the competent authority and disposed off with the following observations and directions:-
i. Under the various CPCs, postman cadre have been allowed the following pay scales with upgradations under ACP (existed prior to 31-08-2008)/MACP Schemes (introduced w.e.f 01-09-2008):-
Cadre | 5th CPC | 6th CPC | 7th CPC |
Postman T/S | 3050-4590 (Scale upgraded w.e.f 01-01-06 to GP Rs.2000/- corresponding to 3200-4900) |
2000/0 (6th CPC up-graded scale of postman cadre at par with CPO constables corresponding to pay scale 3200-85-4900) | Level-3 |
Postman TBOR /MACP-I | 3200-4900 (4000-6000 w.e.f. 01-01-2006) |
2400/- | Level-4 |
Postman BCR/MACP-II | 4000-100-6000 (4500-7000 w.e.f. 01-01-2006) |
2800/- | Level-5 |
MACP-III | N/A | 4200/- | Level-6 |
ii. In fact, the scales of Postman Cadre was upgraded by the 5th & 6th CPCs at par with Constables of CPO
(a) From 825-15-900-20-1200 to 950-20-1150-25-1400 i.e allowed corresponding scale 3050-75-3950-80-4590 by 5th CPC.
(b) From 3050-75-3950-80-4590 to 3200-85-4900 i.e. allowed corresponding Grade Pay Rs.2000/- by 6th CPC.
iii. The scales of Postal Assistant Cadre is as follows:-
Cadre | 5th CPC | 6th CPC | 7th CPC |
Postal Assistant | 4000-100-6000 (Scale upgraded from 1175-30-1440-30-1800 to 1200-30-1440-30-1800 i.e corresponding to 4000-6000 by 5th CPC) | 2400/- | L-4 |
iv. This Directorate letter dated 11.01.2013 clarifies that prior to introduction of MACP, promotions/financial up-gradations in posts which carry the same grade pay due to merger of pay scales/upgradations recommended by the Central Pay Commission’s (CPCs) are to be ignored in terms of clarification given on point of doubt 1 of ACPS, which inter alia provides that “Since the benefits of upgradation under ACP Scheme (ACPS) are to be allowed in the existing hierarchy, the mobility under ACPS shall be in the hierarchy existing after merger of pay-scales by ignoring the promotion. An employee who got promoted from lower pay-scale to higher pay-scale as a result of promotion before merger of pay-scales shall be entitled for upgradation under ACPS ignoring the said promotion as otherwise he would be placed in a disadvantageous position vis-a-vis the fresh entrant in the merged grade”.
v.Similarly in addition to above, para 5 of the MACPS guidelines also stipulates that promotions earned/upgradations granted under the ACP Scheme in the past to those grades which now carry the same grade pay due to merger of pay scales/upgradations of posts recommended by the Sixth Pay Commission shall be ignored for the purpose of granting upgradations under Modified ACPS.
vi. In the instant case the applicant was given financial up-gradation under TBOP Scheme in the scale 950-20-1150-25-1400 (as per 4th CPC norms) corresponding to 3050-4590 (5th CPC) w.e.f 18-10-1994 which w.e.f 01-01-1996, become identical to the entry pay of postman cadre on upgradation of pay-scale of postman cadre from the pay-scale 825-15-900-20-1200 to 950-20-1150-25-1400 i.e. corresponding to pay-scale 3050-75-3950-80-4590 by 5th CPC.
vii. Further again the TBOP pay scale of Postman 3200-4900 (as per 6th CPC) became identical to entry pay-scale of Postman cadre on upgradation of pay-scale of Postman cadre by 6th CPC at par with constables of CPO, from the pay scale 3050-75-3950-80-4590 to 3200-85-4900 i.e. allowed corresponding Grade Pay Rs.2000/- w.e.f 01.01.2006.
2. As such, the action of the Circle for withdrawing the allowed 2nd & 3rd MACPs is not in order. Further that the TBOR granted to the official w.e.f. 18-10-1994 is liable to be ignored and the official is entitled for 2nd and 3rd financial upgradation in Grade Pay Rs.2800/- and Rs.4200/- w.e.f 01.09.2008 and 22.11.2008 respectively, if otherwise admissible.
3. I am therefore, directed by the competent authority that review DPC may be conducted and settle the issue in accordance with the existing guidelines.
Yours faithfully,
Assistant Director General (GDS/PCC)
Source: confederation