Carry over of All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) of a block of Four years to the First year of next block

Carry over of All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) of a block of Four years to the First year of next block: Railway Board Clarification
RBE No. 83
(रेलवे बोर्ड) (RAILWAY BOARD)
New Delhi Dated 11.11.2021
The General Managers (P) |
All Zonal Railways & Production Units.
Sub: Clarification regarding carry over of All India Leave Travel Concession (AILTC) of a block of Four years to the First year of next block.
Ref: Board’s letter of even number dated 10.09.2018.
The queries regarding carry over of AILTC facility have been examined and it is clarified that the facility of AILTC, once in a block of four years, as notified vide Board’s above referred letter, can be carried over and availed within the first year of the next block of four years, as per Rule 10 of CCS(LTC) Rules-1988, as amended from time to time. Accordingly, AILTC of current Block Year 2018-2021 can be availed within the year 2022.
2. The Privilege Pass Surrender Certificate (PPSC) of Calendar Year 2021 which is eligible for availing AILTC during 2021, shall be valid for availing the carry over AILTC in the year 2022. Surrender of Privilege Passes and issuance of PPSC will be permissible till the closure of the Privilege Pass Account of current Calendar Year 2021 (ie. 30th May 2022).
3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of the Ministry of Railways.
(V. Muralidharan)
Dy. Director Estt. (Welfare)-I
Railway Board