Closed Holiday on account of Ramzan changed to 7th July 2016 – DOPT order

Change of date of holiday on account of Id-ul-Fitr during 2016 for all Central Government administrative offices located at Delhi / New Delhi. – Offices outside Delhi to follow the decision of Employees Coordination Committees
F.N0.12/10/20 16-JCA2
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
North Block, New Delhi
Dated the 05 July, 2016
Sub: Change of date of holiday on account of Id-ul-Fitr during 2016 for all Central Government administrative offices located at Delhi / New Delhi.
As per list of holidays circulated vide this Ministry’s 0.M.No.12 / 7 / 2015-JCA-2 dated the 11th June, 2015, the holiday on account of Id-ul-Fitr falls on Wednesday the 6th July, 2016. It has been brought to notice of this Ministry that in Delhi Id-ul-Fitr will be celebrated on 7th July, 2016. Accordingly, it has been decided to shift the Id-ul-Fitr
holiday to 7th July, 2016 in place of 6th July, 2016 as notified earlier, for all Central Government administrative offices at Delhi / New Delhi.
2. For Offices outside Delhi / New Delhi the Employees Coordination Committees or Head of Offices (Where Such Committees are not functioning) can decide the date depending upon the decision of the the concerned State Government.