CBSE CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) – Explained
![CBSE CCE Scheme](
Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) formulated CCE (Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation) method for its students from Class I to X in the year 2009 and started implementing the same in a phased manner. Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangethan, a Central Government Body which runs schools all over India under CBSE curriculum introduced from Class III to X from the academic session 2010-11.
Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation refers to a system of school based assessment that covers all aspects of student’s development.
It emphasizes two fold objectives. Continuity in evaluation and assessment of broad based learning.
With a view to reduce examination pressure to students, the significant change made in the CCE is implementation of optional Board Examination for X std. There will be only school conducted exam at the end of academic year for students of Senior Secondary Schools who are appearing for Class X and who do not wish to move out of the CBSE system. If a student studying in a Senior Secondary School can prefer to attend Board Examination in respect of X std, if he wishes so. However, students who are studying in secondary schools in which no classes for XI and XII are conducted all the students must appear for Board Examination in respect of X std.
The following Table would elaborate CCE Pattern of education. (Click on the table for full view of table)
CBSE has also compiled frequently asked questions on CCE Scheme to clarify basic doubts raised by Students and Parents about the this scheme of education. We have provided the same below
Frequently Asked Questions Based on CCE 2011-12
[DDET 1. I think that the new scheme of CBSE i.e. CCE is not a good scheme because there are many negative points i.e. taking oral exam of FAs because in this teachers ask simple question to one and hard question to another student. Not same questions to everyone.]
A clear guideline in this regard is given by CBSE vide circular number 58 dated 03.09.2010. It states that the teacher’s judgment when made through an honest and objective appraisal without bias is the basis of CCE. Formative Assessment (FA) needs to be taken up without discrimination and in consultation with all the teachers. The teachers are required to use a variety of assessment tools during the course of their teaching. It is mandatory that teachers use at least 3-4 different assessment tools like oral and listening, written assignments, speeches, quizzes, research projects, pair work/group work, peer assessment etc. during the term for Formative Assessment (FA). Most of FAs are group activities and there are also provisions of Integrated Projects where subjects are interlinked. Each Subject must have only one paper pencil test under Formative Assessment. The other modes of Assessment must be a part of classroom interactive activities. And as we all know there is no easy or difficult question per se. A question simple for one might appear difficult for another. There are four FAs during an academic year and all these measures leave little chance of personal bias on the part of an individual teacher.
[DDET 2. I want to know how the grades will be awarded to the students on the basis of class 9th as well as class 10th combined as CGPA.]
Grades of IX and X will not be combined for CGPA. CGPA of each will be calculated on the assessments of one year only.
[DDET 3. I have got CGPA 5.8 but my school not giving me subjects which want in 11th class PCM. Is there any rule about if a student scoreless then 60% in 10th Std he/she can’t get PCM in 11th class?]
As per board’s rules candidate obtaining grade D and above in all the five subjects excluding the sixth additional subject is eligible for admission to his/her choice of subject in class XI. Schools have been advised to have an objective policy which takes account of admission norms for XI standard.
[DDET 4. I want you to know that the activities & the projects given by the teachers are very money consuming & not helpful in any way of studies so what’s the basic reason for these activities?]
CBSE has directed all the teachers to undertake project work in the school hours under the direct supervision of the teachers. CBSE has taken out more than 12 Teachers’ Manuals on various subjects where special emphasis is given to cost effective activities and projects. The students are also expected to utilize material easily available with them to bring out their creativity.
[DDET 5. If a student opts for school exam for X SA2 (i.e. not appear for board exam), can he take admission in State board for class XI ?]
CBSE does not bar any student from doing so. It is upto the State Board concerned.
[DDET 6. Whether syllabus for class X (as per CCE) has been updated and loaded for the session 2011-12. ? Please make it clear session wise not year wise as when only year is mentioned we are getting confused whether it is for current year for next year. It should be clear like students who are going to appear in the exam of March-2012.]
The syllabus in each subject for Class X has been distributed term wise. This term wise syllabus is available on the CBSE website> Public Portal> Examinations>Secondary School Curriculum 2012.
[DDET 7. Some schools are liberal in giving marks while others are not. Will I not suffer on account of strict marking by my school?]
No student would suffer because of strict marking or benefit from lenient marking as the Marking Scheme for all Question Papers in all major subjects are being provided by the Board and the teachers are being directed to adhere to the Marking Scheme in each subject. However, to avoid such apprehensions CBSE has also undertaken a systematic collection, analysis and moderation of ‘Evidence of Assessment’ by analyzing sample answers scripts, anecdotal records, student portfolios and teachers’ records. This exercise ensures that school based assessment is of acceptable quality.
[DDET 8. How many assessments are mandatory in each FAs?]
It is mandatory that the teachers must use at least 3-5 different assessment during the term for each Formative Assessment (FA).
Please do follow the guidelines given in the ` Revised CCE Manual for classes IX and X ( applicable for class IX from April 2011 and for class X 2012) which is available on the Board’s website>Public Portal>CCE Corner.
[DDET 9. My Sons DOB is 05/07/2000 and he is presently studying in 7th Class in CBSE affiliated Public School. As per his school principal he would not be able to appear for class X exam as he will not attain minimum age required to appear in the examination at the time when he would be in class tenth.]
At the time of admission the student should satisfy the requirements of age limits (minimum & maximum) as determined by the State/U.T. Government and applicable to the place where the School is located. The date of birth as recorded in the school record will be treated as authentic for the purpose of certification.
[DDET 10. What is the Board’s policy for up scaling in class IX?]
The following scheme may be followed for upscaling the grades in scholastic areas:
a) Students who get total grade points in co-scholastic areas/ activities in the range 53-65 may be upgraded to the next higher grade in two subjects in scholastic areas.
b) Students who get total grade points in the range 40-52, may be upgraded to the next higher grade in one subject in scholastic area.
c) The upscaling of Grade in Scholastic Areas is applicable in Main Subject only (i.e. excluding Additional 6th Subject).
d) No Grade should be upscaled twice.
e) No upscaling is done if the Grade obtained in the subject is E2 or A1.
f) Upscaling is done from lowest grade to next higher grade and so on. (Example : E1 be upscaled to D, D to C2, C2 to C1, C1 to B2, B2 to B1, B1 to A2 and A2 to A1)
g) In case of tie in Grades in two or more subjects (i.e. if Grades obtained are same), the upscaling be done in following order :
- Higher marks obtained in the subject be preferred
- In case of tie in marks, higher marks obtained in Summative Assessments (SA1+SA2)
- In case of tie in Summative Assessments marks, higher marks obtained in Formative Assessments (FA1+FA2+FA3+FA4)
h) Benefit shall be given to the students who win I/II positions/prizes in competitions held at State level and/or participation in competitions held at National/International level organized by a body recognized by the State/Central Government/ CBSE. Any competition organised by such agencies related to the co-scholastic areas/ activities included in the Board’s CCE card may be considered for giving this benefit. Those students who qualify under this provision will benefit by getting their grade up-scaled to the next higher grade in two subjects provided this benefit has not been given to the student under the aforesaid grade point scheme.
Consequently, the maximum grade points which a student can obtain in co-scholastic areas/activities becomes 65 as compared to 42 in the earlier scheme The upgraded grade has been shown with ‘**’.
[DDET 11. Is it mandatory for a student who appeared in the board examination to leave the school or Board (CBSE)?]
You may be able to take admission in a CBSE school after appearing for the SA II conducted by the Board; however you are expected to make a conscious decision before giving in writing about your intention of going out of CBSE system. But having given in writing that you are going to leave the CBSE system, you may probably forego your priority in admission in Class XI in the same school. However, such cases would be dealt with on merit by the school as they have the autonomy to decide and the CBSE has never micro managed schools in such cases as per past practice.
[DDET 12. My daughter has passed class X with 9.0 school people has rounded the marks in many subject where she got 9.2 as 9 is this a correct practise?]
The schools have been advised not to award marks in decimals so that such technical problems in awarding grades do not arise. In case such a situation arises, usual accepted norms of rounding of the decimals may be applied i.e. counting upto 0.49 as 0 and from 0.5 to 0.99 as 1 will be allowed.
[DDET 13. Is there any change in the grading pattern for classes IX and X?]
The Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) is the average of Grade Points obtained in all the subjects excluding additional 6th subject as per Scheme of Studies.
The students’ performance will be assessed using conventional numerical marking mode, and the same will be converted into the grades on the basis of the pre-
determined marks ranges (as per CBSE grading system).
Marks Range | Grade | Grade Point |
91-100 | A1 | 10.0 |
81-90 | A2 | 9.0 |
71-80 | B1 | 8.0 |
61-70 | B2 | 7.0 |
51-60 | C1 | 6.0 |
41-50 | C2 | 5.0 |
33-40 | D | 4.0 |
21-32 | E1 | – |
00-20 | E2 | – |
[DDET 14. How the grades will be awarded to the students on the basis of class IX as well as class X combined as CGPA?]
Subject wise Grades and Grade Point (GP) will be shown in the “Statement of Subject wise Performance” to be issued to all candidates. The candidates will also be provided CGPA excluding additional 6th subject as per CCE Scheme of Studies.
[DDET 15. Is taking the board exam necessary for students. Also what difference would be there between the school and the board exam in terms of grading, examinations graded and aspects of student graded?]
No, taking board exam is optional. There is no difference between board based exam and the school based exam in terms of grading. The Board ensures that the design, blue print and difficulty level of both the examination for school based and Board based will be the same.
[DDET 16. Why SAs are sometimes of 80 marks and sometimes of 90 marks?]
As per 2012 curriculum the total marks were 80. After the feedback received and the subsequent changes the total marks are redistributed to 90 (as per 2013 curriculum). The new marks scheme is effective from session 2011-12 for class IX and subsequent session 2012-13 for class-X.
[DDET 17. Is there any difference in marking scheme and syllabus of school based SA2 and board based SA2?]
No, the Summative Assessments-II (SA-II) conducted by the school (School conducted) and conducted by the Board (Board conducted) will be similar. Both will be :
1. Based on same syllabus prescribed for Term II only,
2. Carry the same weightage of 40% towards final grade,
3. Based on the same types of question papers in term of question paper design, blue print and difficulty level.
4. Evaluated on the basis of similar marking schemes
prepared by the Board.
(i) Both the School conducted SA-II and Board conducted SA-II will be based on the question papers sent/vetted by the Board.
(ii) The students appearing in the School conducted SA-II will be assessed by the schools themselves and their answer books will be randomly verified by the Board. However, the students appearing in the Board conducted SA-II will be assessed by the External Examiners as has been the practice in the past for Board Examinations.
[DDET 18. By opting school conducted Summative – 2, can I get admission in any other school affiliated with the CBSE after class 10th?]
Yes, you can get admission in any CBSE affiliated school after writing the school conducted SA II since the certificate at the end of Class X is going to be issued by the CBSE.
[DDET 19. Does every student will get the same certificate after class X examination school based or board based?]
At the end of class-X, every student (irrespective of his/her studying in secondary or senior secondary school or continuing or leaving the CBSE Board after class X) will get the same Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation Certificate of School Based Assessment prepared, printed and signed by the Board.
[DDET 20. What is the minimum Grade to qualify a subject?]
In class X to qualify a subject, a candidate must obtain minimum of Grade D. The grade is to be calculated on the basis of overall performance in all the assessments (formative & summative) as per the following weightage: Term I: FA1 (10%) + FA2 (10%) + SA1(20%) = 40% Term II: FA3 (10%) + FA4 (10%) + SA2(40%) = 60%
[DDET 21. How the grades are allotted to the students?]
The students’ performance will be assessed using conventional numerical marking mode, and the same will be converted into the grades on the basis of the pre-determined marks ranges (as per CBSE grading system). The overall grade in each subject will be determined on the basis of the student’s performance in all the assessments (formative and summative) in an academic session.
[DDET 22. Will the class IX marks be added in class X?]
The overall grade (calculated on the basis of all the assessments in an academic year) for classes IX & X will be shown separately on the “Statement of Subject wise
Performance” to be issued to all candidates.
[DDET 23. From where we get the format of report book for classes VI-VIII?]
The format of report book for classes VI to VIII is available in the CCE Manual for Teachers Classes VI to VIII. It is available on the Board’s website > CCE Corner.
[DDET 24. Does the school force my ward to go out of the CBSE board after appearing in Board Based Examination?]
Your ward will not be forced to move out of the CBSE; however if you have given in writing that you are going to leave the CBSE system, you may probably forego your priority in admission in Class XI in the same school. However, such cases would be dealt with on merit by the school as they have the autonomy to decide and the CBSE has never micro managed schools as per past practice.
[DDET 25. Please stop awarding grade as it has spoiled the future of bright student?]
Awarding grades has number of advantages over awarding of numerical marks. It considerably reduces inter and intra examiner variability in marking. It also takes care of imperfection of tools used for assessment. Statistical research in assessment techniques indicates that there is a possibility of variation of scores awarded to individuals to the extent of 5% to 15%. Putting students of similar potential in same ability bands (grades) automatically takes care of all these abbreviations in assessment techniques. Lastly, it will reduce undesired and unsound comparison of small difference of marks.
[DDET 26. Will class XI-XII follow the CCE scheme?]
No, CCE has been implemented from Primary classes to the Secondary level in the CBSE affiliated schools.
[DDET 27. Does CCE Report Card will show marks or only grade?]
Subject wise Grades and Grade Point (GP) will be shown in the “Statement of Subject wise Performance” to be issued to all candidates. The candidates will also be provided CGPA excluding additional 6th subject as per CCE Scheme of Studies.
[DDET 28. Could you please let me know the benefit provided to the students of class IX for sports and games?]
Benefit shall be given to the students who win I/II positions/prizes in competitions held at state level and/or participation in competitions held at national/international level organized by a body recognized by the state/central Government/CBSE. Any competition organized by such agencies related to the co-scholastic areas/ activities included in the Board’s CCE card may be considered for giving this benefit. Those students who qualify under this provision will benefit by getting their grade up-scaled to the next higher grade in two subjects provided this benefit has not been given to the student under the aforesaid grade point scheme.
[DDET 29. Who is eligible to appear in the Board conducted SA-II?]
All the students of Secondary Schools; and Students of Senior Secondary Schools, if they wish to move out of the CBSE system after class X.
[DDET 30. Will the syllabus for Board conducted SA-II cover the entire year(first and second term) and that for school conducted SA-II be for the second term only?]
No, the syllabus for both types of SA-II will be the same and it will be the one prescribed by the Boa rd for the Second term only. The Board ensures that the design, blue print and difficulties level of both the examination for school based and Board based will be the same. This is available on the CBSE Website (
[DDET 31. Will the method of assessment between the Board conducted SA-II and School conducted SA-II will be different?]
No, both types of Answer Books will be assessed based on the Marking Scheme provided by the Board. The students appearing in the school conducted SA -II will be assessed by the school themselves and their answer books will be randomly verified by the Board. However, the students’ appearing in the Board conducted SAII will be assessed by the external examiners as has been the practice in the past for Board Examinations.
[DDET 32. If I sit for Board conducted SA-II, will my certificate show Grades or only SA-II obtained by me and not Grades given to me by the School under CCE throughout the year?]
No, Board conducted SA-II will only be one part of the overall statement of assessment to be issued by the Board. The certificate will show the overall Grades obtained by you in Summative and Formative Assessments (SA and FA). SA consists of both the Summative Assessments and FA consists of all the four Formative Assessments.
[DDET 33. How will a School know whether I am leaving the CBSE system or not? (Student Query)]
Schools are asking the Parents to give in writing about their ward’s intention to continue in the CBSE system or go out of it after X.
[DDET 34. Will the certificates of those students who appear in School conducted SA-II and Board conducted SA-II be different?]
No, the certificate being issued by the Board to all the students passing out of the CBSE affiliated schools whether they have appeared in School conducted SA-II or Board conducted SA-II will be the same.
[DDET 35. When the school based SA-II (March 2012) will be scheduled?]
The schedule of SA II (March 2012) conducted by the school will be decided by the school itself. Please refer to the circular no. 08/2012 Conduct of School Based Summative Assessment-II for Classes IX and X (Academic Session 2011-12) which is available on CBSE website>Circulars>2012.
[DDET 36. How the assessment in all co-scholastic areas/activities is to be done on 5 point scale in class IX?]
According to the revised manual for teachers on CCE for classes IX and X effective from session 2011-12 for class IX and subsequent session 2012-13 for class-X, assessment in all co-scholastic areas/activities is to be done on 5 point scale. Besides, the total domains of assessment in co-scholastic areas/ activities are also slightly modified. Consequently, the maximum grade points which a student can obtain in co-scholastic areas/activities becomes 65 as compared to 42 in the earlier scheme.
S.No | Domains | Grade Points in Co-Scholastic Areas / Activities (Revised Scheme) |
1. | Life Skills | 3X5= 15 |
2. | Work Education | 1X5= 5 |
3. | Visual & Performing Arts | 1X5= 5 |
4. | Attitude & Values | 4X5= 20 |
5. | Co-curricular activities | 2X5= 10 |
6. | Health & Physical Education | 2X5= 10 |
Total |
[DDET 37. If I have taken School conducted SA-II and I am transferred to a place where there are no CBSE affiliated school, will other Boards admit me in Class XI?]
As the certificate at the end of Class is going to be issued by the CBSE there should not be any problem for you in getting admission in Class XI, as there is equivalence between Class X of different Boards.