Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishments – BPMS

Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishments: Implementation in Coast Guard Organization – BPMS
Bharatiya Pratiraksha Mazdoor Sangh
REF: BPMS I MOD I Coast Guard / SZ 45 (1/4/M)
Dated: 11.06.2020
The Secretary,
Govt of India, Min of Defence,
South Block, New Delhi – 110011
Subject: Restructuring of Cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishments: Implementation in Coast Guard Organization.
With due regards, it is submitted that after implementation of recommendations of 5th CPC, Ministry of Finance (Department of Expenditure) vide its Notification G.S.R. 552 (E), Dated 28th July 2009 amended the Central Civil Service (Revised Pay) Rules, 2008 whereby Master Craftsmen were granted the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- and Highly Skilled Workers were split in a ratio of 50 : 50 and re-designated as Highly Skilled Worker Grade-II (Grade Pay of Rs. 2400 in Pay Band PB – 1) and Highly Skilled Worker Grade-I (Grade Pay of Rs. 2800/- in Pay band PB – 1).
Accordingly the pay scale of Master craftsman was revised from Rs. (4500 – 7000) to Rs. (5000 – 8000) vide MOD letter F. No. 11(5)/2008/D(Civ-I) Dated 28th Aug , 2009 as per SRO – 11 E and the post of Highly Skilled (4000 – 6000) was bifurcated in the ratio of 50 : 50 whereby 50 per cent incumbents had been upgraded as Highly Skilled grade – I in the pay scale of Rs. (4500 – 7000). As per above notification, the artisan staff in MOD is restructured w.e.f. 01.01.2006 as under –
- Skilled (5200 – 20200) plus 1900 Grade pay
- Highly Skilled – II ( — Do — ) plus 2400 Grade pay
- Highly skilled – I ( — Do — ) plus 2800 Grade pay
- Master Craftsman (9300 – 34800) plus 4200 Grade pay
According to above, the grade structure of Skilled, Highly Skilled -II, Highly Skilled-I and Master Craftsman has been revised vide MOD letter No. 11 (5)/2009-D(Civ.I), dated 14th June 2010 as under w.e.f. 01.01.2006 : ‘
(i) Skilled 45 %
(ii) Highly Skilled Grade II 20.625 %
(iii) Highly Skilled Grade I 20.625 %
(iv) Master Craftsman 13.75 %
It is worth to mention here that MoD is taking all necessary action to further revise the structure/inter grade ratio of artisan cadre whereas Coast Guard organization under Ministry of Defence has not implemented the existing structure/inter grade ratio which is effected from 01.01.2006. This is causing very much disappointment in the artisan cadre incumbents.
Hence, you are requested to intervene into the matter so that the orders on restructuring of cadre of Artisan Staff in defence establishment may be implemented in Coast Guard organization without further delay.
Thanking you.
Sincerely yours
General Secretary/BPMS &
Member, JCM-11 Level Council (MOD)
Copy to:
The Director General, HQ Indian Coast Guard, New Delhi.
(through email: [email protected])
– With request to take similar action on the subject matter.
Source: BPMS
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Restructuring of cadre of Artisan Staff in Defence Establishment