Promotion in CSSS grades to be effected shortly

Promotion in CSSS grades to be effected shortly


Government of India

Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pension
Department of Personnel & Training
(CS-II Division)

3rd  Floor, lok  Nayak Bhavan,
Khan  MarketNew  Delhi·110003.
June the  1ST,   2018

Office Memorandum

Subject:· Completion of formalities in the matter of  promotion of CSSS grades – regarding.

The undersigned is directed to say that the promotion in the grades of CSSS may be taken up shortly, subject to outcome of court cases pending in the various courts. The range of seniority likely to be covered for promotion to various posts would be as under:

SI. No. Name  of the Post Range  of Seniority
1. PA CSL Steno Grade ‘0’ of CSSS uoto 2007,
2, PS Select List of PAs of CSSS upto 2010,
3. PPS Select List of PSs of CSSS uoto 2010.
4. Sr, PPS Select List of PPSs of CSSS upto 2010,
  1. All the cadre  units are requested to take the following  preparatory actions in this regard:

a. To ensure for updating all the particulars of CSSS officers in CSCMS portal in a time bound manner;
b. Preparation in all aspects for conducting the OPC meeting, immediately
c. Availability of APARs for the period upto 2017-18 in respect of eligible CSSS officials/officers
d. Up-to-date information with regard to vigilance clearances, details of officers retired  on superannuation  or otherwise,  cases of refusal of promotion, etc, may be made available readily

3. This issues with the approval of competent authority.

(Chirabrata Sarkar)
Under Secretary to the Government of India

Read/Download the OM No.2/2/2018-CS.II-(A) dated 01.06.2018

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