NFSG to UDCs of CSCS granted by DOPT
NFSG to UDCs of CSCS granted by DOPT – Non Functional Selection Grade with Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- to 1104 UDCs
Ministry  of Personnel,  Public Grievances  & Pensions has issued an OM regarding grant of NFSG to UDCs of CSCS
No. 12/2/2015-CS.ll   (B)
Government  of India
Ministry  of Personnel,  Public Grievances  & Pensions
Department  of Personnel  & Training
3rd  Floor,Lok Nayak  Bhawan
Khan  Market,  New  Delhi-110003
Dated:   18th June, 2015
Subject:  Grant  of NFSG to UDCs of CSCS – regarding
The  undersigned  is directed  to  refer  to  this  Department’s  O.M. No.20/49/2009-CS.ll (B)  dated  22nd June,  2011  vide which   a  new grade   of  UDC  Non-Functional   Selection  Grade   (NFSG)  in CSCS in the Grade Pay of Rs.4200/-  in Pay Band-2  was created  with effect  from  22.06.2011.
2.  It  has  been  decided  in consultation   with  D/o  Expenditure  to operationalize  the  NFSG  of Grade Pay of  Rs.4200/-  in the  case  of UDCs  of  CSCS.   The  cadre  units  are  requested  to  grant  Grade  Pay  of Rs.4200/-(NFSG)   to  1104 UDCs  figuring  in the  list attached as Annexure-I subject  to their suitability  with effect from  22.06.2011  till  the  date  of their  promotion  as Assistants  on ad-hoc  basis Retirement / Expired / VRS / resigned  etc whichever  is earlier.  The  cadre units are  also requested  that the officials  who have already resigned / retired / taken  VRS  / Expired  etc prior to 22.6.2011 may  not be granted  the Grade  Pay of Rs. 4200/-. Further,  those UDCs who  have  been  promoted  to the  grade  of Assistant on  ad-hoc  basis  prior  to the  issue  of O.M.  No.  20/49/2011-CS.ll  (B)  dated 22.6.2011,  have  been  excluded  from  the list  of beneficiaries.
3.                While  granting the Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/-  the cadre  units  may  follow  the  procedure  laid down in sub-para (ii) to (v) of para (b) of this Department’s  O.M. No. 20/49/2009-CS.ll  (B) dated 22.06.2011.  The pay fixation  may be done under Rule  13 of CCS  (Revised)  Pay Rules, 2008  and other  relevant  instructions  on the subject. The financial  implications  would have to be met by the respective Ministries I Departments.
4.                      Cadre  units  are  also  requested   to  send  a  compliance   report  in  the  enclosed  proforma (Annexure-ll)  to CS.II Division, detailing  the officers  who have been granted  NFSG,  by 30.06.2015.  Since  the Select List of 2003 (Extended)  of UDC grade is under litigation, the grant of Grade Pay of Rs. 4200/- would be subject  to the outcome of the SLP (Civil) No. 10342/2015  filed by Shri Pankaj  Kumar  Mishra and others before the  Hon’ble  Supreme  Court  and  O.A. No. 794/2015  filed  by Shri Kamal  Kumar  Gupta  and  others  before CAT Principal   Bench,  New  Delhi  and  also  orders  in any other  connected   matter  by any  competent  authority.  This may  be included  in the orders  to be issued  by the Cadre Authorities.
5.     M/o Finance,  D/o  Expenditure’s  vide  their  ID  No.  94952/2015/E-111  (A) dated  01-06-2015  have concurred with  the proposal.
6. In  case  of errors/omissions   if any,  the  same  may  be brought  to the  notice  of  this Department immediately.
(Kameshwar  Mishra)
Under Secretary  to the Govt. of India
Telefax:Â Â 24623157