Check-list for APAR of CSS Officers
CS division of DOPT has found out discrepancies in ACRs / APARs of CSS officers when those are sent by various Ministries / Departments. This results in inordinate delay in the completion of ACR/APARs of individual officers.
To avoid discrepancies in APARs DOPT has prescribed a check list to be filled up by the Ministries sending the APARs.
The following Office Memorandum prescribes this check list.
F.No: 22/2/2012-CS.I (APAR)
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel and Training
(CS Division)
Dated 24th January, 2012
Office Memorandum
Subject: Forwarding of ACRs/APARs of CSS Officers to DOPT- Reg.
The undersigned is directed to say the discrepancies have often been noticed in the ACRs/APARs of CSS officers received in the CS Division of DOPT from the Ministries/Departments. Such incomplete and inaccurate ACRS/APARs are required to be sent back to the respective Ministries/Departments for rectification of deficiencies resulting in unwanted delay in completion of ACRSs/APARs of the officer concerned.
In order to avoid unnecessary correspondence and delay a check-list for the convenience of the participating Ministries/Departments has been prepared a copy of which is enclosed. The Check-list is not exhaustive, but is aimed at facilitating the Ministies/Departments to check at their end the frequently noticed inconsistencies before forwarding the ACRs/APARs to DOPT.
It is once again reiterated that the instructions issued by the establishment Division of this Department from time to time on preparation and maintenance of ACRs/APARs may be adhered to and it may be ensured by the officer authorized in the Ministries/Departments that the ACRs/APARs forwarded to the DOPT are complete in all respects.
(Vidyadhar Jha)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
Forwarding of ACRs/APARs of CSS Officers by the Ministries/Departments to CS Division, DOPT
The ACR/APAR is complete in all respects.
(i) The ACR/APAR has been initiated in the proper format and color scheme prescribed for the grade;
(ii) The period of ACR/APAR has been clearly indicated;
(iii) The CSL number of officer reported upon has been indicated at the top right hand corner of the APAR’s first page;
(iv) All the columns have been properly filled up by the officer reported upon the reporting officer and the reviewing officer;
(v) It bears the signature of the officer reported upon and the signature (in Blue Ink) and the stamp of the reporting and reviewing Officers at appropriate places;
(vi) The numerical grading the reference to prescribed weightage has been calculated correctly;
(vii) The numerical grading with reference to the prescribed weightage has been calculate correctly.
(viii) If the APAR could not be reported/reviewed no report/no review certificate with reasons is affixed.
(ix) The instructions contained in DOPT OM No.21011/1/2005 Estt(A) (Pt.II) dated 14.05.2009 and No: 21011/1/2010-Estt A dated 13.4.2010 have been adhered to.
(x) Disclosure certificate has been duly stamped and authenticated on the front page of APAR and the status of filing of IPR (immovable property return) is duly indicated and verified.
(xi) Necessary entries in the APAR monitoring software have been made
(xii) It has been forwarded to CS division, DOPT under the signature of an authorized by officer