Urgent Appeal for Fair Ward Entitlement Options for CGHS Beneficiaries: BPS

Urgent Appeal for Fair Ward Entitlement Options for CGHS Beneficiaries: BPS writes to MoHFW
(All India Federation of Pensioners” Associations)
2/13-A- LGF Backside, Jangpura – ‘A’, New Delhi-110014
No BPS/SG/CGHS/Ward/24/4
Dated: 02.05.2024
The Secretary,
GOI Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
The Secretary,
GOI Ministry of Finance Department of Finance & Expenditure
The Secretary,
GOI Ministry of Personnel.PG & Pensions-DOP &PW
Subject: Urgent Appeal for Fair Ward Entitlement Options for CGHS Beneficiaries
Dear Sirs,
I am writing on behalf of Bharat Pensioners Samaj (BPS) to draw your attention to a matter of utmost importance concerning the welfare of our esteemed Central Government Health Scheme (CGHS) beneficiaries, particularly our cherished pensioners.
Before delving into the crux of the issue, allow me to provide some context. Prior to the revision of CGHS subscription rates and ward entitlements in June 2009, pensioners had the option to select their ward entitlement based on either their final pay or their pension. Those who chose the latter often found themselves with lower ward entitlements compared to what they would have been entitled to based on their last basic pay.
Fast forward to the present day, post the 7th Central Pay Commission (CPC), the determination of CGHS contribution and ward entitlements has been tied to the levels in the Pay Matrix and corresponding basic pays. However, a significant disparity remains for those who had previously opted for pension-based entitlements. Despite the introduction of a new scheme for determining pay and pension based on notional pay, these individuals have been denied the opportunity to re-evaluate their choices.
It is a matter of basic fairness and natural justice that individuals be given the chance to reconsider their options in light of new circumstances. However, the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare has regrettably denied this opportunity, citing concerns over expenditure. While we understand the need for fiscal responsibility, the reality is that the number of affected pensioners is relatively small, and a significant portion of them may never even utilize inpatient facilities. Therefore, the projected expenses incurred by providing this opportunity would be negligible in the grand scheme of our national budget.
As a nation with a burgeoning economy and a commitment to social welfare, it is disheartening to witness the denial of such a modest request, especially when it concerns the well-being of our elderly citizens who have devoted their lives in service to the nation.
In light of these considerations, BPS humbly urges the Government of India to reconsider its stance on this matter and extend the opportunity for pensioners to choose their ward entitlements based on their notional pay.
This small gesture would go a long way in honoring their contributions and ensuring their ease of living and right to a dignified life.
Thank you for your attention to this pressing issue.
Warm regards,
Truly yours,
[S.C. Maheshwari]
Secy, General.
Bharat pensioners Samaj
[email : bharatpensioner[at]gmail.com]