Scheme for providing medical facilities to the eligible permanent Retired /retiring Employees of Air India Ltd – post disinvestment

Scheme for providing medical facilities to the eligible permanent Retired /retiring Employees of Air India Ltd – post disinvestment
Sector — 13, R K Puram
New Delhi — 110066
Dated: 15.03.2023
Subject:- Scheme for providing medical facilities to the eligible permanent Retired /retiring Employees of Air India Ltd — post disinvestment regarding.
Subsequent to the disinvestment of Air India, Government has decided to provide Medical benefits to eligible permanent retired / retiring beneficiaries of Air India Ltd [including eligible permanent employees of AI Engineering Service Ltd. (AIESL) and AI Airport Services Ltd (AIASL)] post disinvestment by the Government as per the consultations held by Ministry of Civil Aviation, M/o Health & Family Welfare and National Health Authority.
In this regard an OM dated 31.3.2022 for OPD facilities, supply of medicines and referral to specialists in CGHS empanelled hospitals on similar lines as in case of Autonomous bodies was issued for eligible permanent Retired / retiring Employees of Air India Ltd. The undersigned is directed to convey the approval of competent authority to provide IPD facilities to such beneficiaries and following instructions are being issued to all Hospitals empanelled under CGHS All CGHS empanelled hospitals providing IPD services are hereby instructed to extend cashless IPD services to retired employees of Air India carrying valid CGHS cards on the same terms and conditions as applicable to CGHS beneficiaries for treatment in empanelled hospitals and at CGHS rates. The bill processing agency in these cases shall be UTITSL.
This issues with approval of competent authority.
(Dr. um Bhatia)
Additional Director, Admin