Presence of unauthorized persons in wellness centres/Poly clinics/stores/MSD and AD offices of CGHS cities/zones

Presence of unauthorized persons in wellness centres/Poly clinics/stores/MSD and AD offices of CGHS cities/zones
F.No. A-22012/01/2021-CGHS-I
Government of India
Ministry of Health & Family Welfare
Department of Health & Family Welfare
(Directorate of CGHS)
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi,
Additional Director,
CGHS, All cities
Subject : Presence of unauthorized persons in wellness centres/Poly clinics/stores/MSD and AD offices of CGHS cities/zones —regarding.
I am directed to refer to subject mentioned above and to say that it has been decided by the competent authority that to ensure safety, transparency and smooth functioning of CGHS, all Additional Directors CGHS cities/zones may be issued directives to ensure that no person other than officers/officials/clerical/para medical staff appointed in CGHS either on regular/contracts/engaged on Outsourcing basis and CGHS beneficiaries/attendants allowed to be present in/visit wellness centres/Poly clinics/stores/MSD and AD offices of CGHS cities/zones. It will be sole responsibility of concerned AD and/or CMO I/c of WC and polyclinic etc. to strict comply with these directions, failing which administrative action as deemed fit may be taken in the matter.
To ensure compliance, this is needed to give wide circulation in all offices/WCs/Polyclinics/CGHS wings etc.
Signed by Manoj Kumar
Date: 01-12-2022 16:04:36
(Manoj Kumar Verma)
Under Secretary (CGHS-Admin)
Copy to:
1. PPS to SS&DG/PPS to JS(CGHS)/PS to Director CGHS
2. The President, AICGHSEA via email