Denial by the CGHS empanelled hospitals for treatment of CGHS beneficiaries

Denial by the CGHS empanelled hospitals for treatment of CGHS beneficiaries – Confederation writes to Ministry of Health and Family Welfare (MoHFW)
Ref: confdn/CGH5/2021
The Secretary
Ministry of Health and Family Welfare
Government of India
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi -110001
Sub :- Denial by the CGHS empanelled hospitals for treatment of CGHS beneficiaries.
It has been brought to our notice by various organizations that mostly GGHS empanelled hospitals are reluctant to give admission for any kind of treatment in general, but particularly they have denied in cases of Covid-19. Though it has happened at all places throughout the country but at Hyderabad mostly CGHS empanelled hospitals have denied the treatment of Covid-19 patients, resultantly the Central Govt. Employees /(CGHS beneficiaries) were compelled to take treatment in private capacity and spent lakhs of rupees which caused more financial burden and sufferings on them.
Though Ministry of Health issued a notification on 10th July 2020 wherein it was mentioned clearly that the empanelled hospitals will not deny admission / treatment to CGHS beneficiaries even then this practice is going on.
lt is therefore requested to kindly cause necessary action in this regard
With regards,
Yours sincerely,
Secretary General
Source : Confederation