7th Pay Commission Children Education Allowance – Download all claim forms

7th Pay Commission Revised Children Education Allowance – Reimbursement Form, Certificate to be given by School and Self Declaration of Employees
It may be recalled that after implementation of 7th pay Commission recommendations, grant of Children Education Allowance for Central Government Employees has not only been increased from Rs. 1500 per month to Rs. 2250 per month but to be sanctioned by the Administration without submission of any receipt or bills by the Employees.
Here are the formats for claiming Children Education Allowance. There are three formats have been suggested by Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers in its blog viz. Reimbursement Form, Certificate to be given by School and Self Declaration of Employees.
1. CEA rate from Apr 17 to Jun 17 is Rs 1500/- PM (required to submit School fees receipt and bills).
2. CEA rate from Jul 17 to Mar 18 is Rs 2250/- PM (Fixed amount no need to submit receipts / bills).
3. For Hostel Subsidy the rate is Rs 6750/- PM w.e.f. 01 Jul 17.
4. CEA for Specially Abled Children is Rs 4500/- PM w.e.f. 01 Jul 17.
5. For claiming CEA submit a certificate issued by Head of Institution / School.
6. For Hostel Subsidy similar certificate required with additional information about expenditure towards boarding and lodging in the residential complex.
7. Re-imbursement of CEA forms are given below.
CEA : Proforma for reimbursement
I hereby apply for the reimbursement of Children Education Allowance / Hostel-Subsidy for
my child / children and relevant particulars are furnished below:-
1. | Name & Rank of the Govt Servant | : | ||||
2. | Personal No. | : | ||||
3. | Designation | : | ||||
4. | Name of the Unit | : | ICGS Smarth | |||
5. | If Spouse is employed, state whether in Central Govt. PSU, State Govt. (give details with name of the Spouse) | : | No | |||
6. | Designation, Office & B.U. No. of spouse, if spouse is employed in Railway | : | NA | |||
7. | Details of the child / children for whom CEA / Hostel Subsidy claimed:- | |||||
Sequence |
Name of child |
Standard (A.Y. 2017-18) |
Name & Place of the School / Institution |
1st Child | ||||||
2nd Child |
8. Re-imbursement of Expenditure:-
Sequence |
Period |
Rate of CEA (Rs) |
Amount claimed |
Remarks |
1st Child | Apr 17 to Jun 17 | @ 1500/- PM | 4,500.00 | School Fee receipts and other bills attached |
Jul 17 to Mar 17 | @ 2250/- PM | 20,250.00 | Fixed amount. | |
2nd Child | Apr 17 to Jun 17 | @ 1500/- PM | 4,500.00 | School Fee receipts and other bills attached |
Jul 17 to Mar 17 | @ 2250/- PM | 20,250.00 | Fixed amount. | |
Total amount claimed Rs | 49,500.00 |
9. Distance of Hostel of child from residence of employee (in case Hostel Subsidy): NA
10. Amount of CEA / Hostel-Subsidy already received up to previous quarter: NIL
11. The Academic year for which CEA / Hostel-Subsidy is applied now: 2017-18
12. (a) Whether the child for whom the CEA is applied for is a disabled child : ¥es / No
(b) If yes, indicate the nature of disability:
(c) Date of disability certificate:
(d) Indicate the percentage of disability:
13. Whether the Bonafide certificate from Head of Institution has been attached : Yes / No
14. For Hostel Subsidy, the Bonafide certificate from mentioning the amount is attached: NA
15. If Yes at Item No. 14, Amount claimed for Hostel Subsidy: Rs NA .
16. (a) Certified that I or my wife / husband is / is not a Central Government servant.
(b) Certified that my wife / husband Sri / Smt ……………………………………………….. is presently
working as ……………………………… in ……………………………………………….. and that he/
she shall not apply / has not applied for the Children Education Allowance for the child / children mentioned above.
(c) Certified that I or my wife / husband-has not claimed this re-imbursement from any other source and will not claim the same in future.
17. Certified that my child in respect of whom re-imbursement of Children Education Allowance is applied is studying in the School / Jr. College which is recognized and affiliated to Board of Education / University.
18. Certified that I am claiming the CEA in respect of my two eldest surviving children only, The information furnished above are complete and correct and I have not suppressed any relevant information. In the event of any change in the particulars given above which affect my eligibility for reimbursement of Children Education Allowance, I undertake to intimate the same promptly and also to refund excess payments if any made. Further, I am aware that if at any stage the information / documents furnished above is found to be false, I am liable for disciplinary action.
Date: Apr 18
(Signature of Govt Servant)
Name: ……………………………
Rank : ……………………………
P.No.: ……………………………
ICGS Samarth
Goa – 403 803
Date: Apr 18
CEA : Certificate from the Head of Institution / School
Authority vide Government of India Ministry of Personal P.G and Department of Personal &Training New Delhi Order No. A-27102[02[2017-Estt. (AL) 16 August 2017
(This order shall be effective from 01 Jul 2017)
Ref No. ………………
It is certified that Master/ Kumari ______________________________________ having Admission No _________ D.O.B ____________ Son / Daughter of Mr / Mrs. ___________________________
was studying in Class ______________ Sec ________ Roll No. _____________ during the Previous
Academic Year from 2017 to 2018 School / Institution, namely ____________________________________________________________vide affiliation Regd No. /
Code ______________________________ and pattern ____________________ Curriculum.
Signature of principal
(Affix School Stamp)
CEA : Self Declaration to be submitted by the Govt. Servant
I Service No. _____________ Rank ________________ Name ______________________________
of Unit ICGS Samarth do hereby certify that my Son / Daughter namely_________________________________ Studied in Class ________ Sec _______________ Roll No.__________________ during Previous Academic Year 2017-2018 in __________________________________________________________________________School.
In the event of any change in the particulars given above which affect my eligibility for Children Education Allowance. I undertake to intimate the same promptly and refund excess payment, if any made to me.
Signature of Govt Servant
Name: ____________________
Rank: _____________________
P.No. _____________________
Place: ______________
Date: _______________