Children Education Allowance admissible to two eldest surviving children only – DOPT
Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy admissible to two eldest surviving children only – DOPT Clarifies
Earlier Railway Board had sought clarification from DOPT whether Children Education allowance and Hostel subsidy would be admissible to third child when first or second child is not in a position to go to school due to severe disability.
Click here to read previous DOPT Orders on Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy
Government of India
Ministry of Railways
(Railway Board)
No. E(W)2014/ED-2/4
New Delhi, Dated 24.09.2014
The General Manager (P),
All Indian Railways &
Production Units.
Sub: Grant of Children Education allowance/Hostel subsidy to third child when first / second child is not in a position to go to school due to severe disability.
References have been received from Zonal Railways seeking clarification regarding admissibility of Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy in respect of third child of the Railway employee when the first / second child is not in a position to go to school as he/she is born with profound mental retardation or is totally invalid and cannot even go to a school meant for the special children.
2. The matter has been examined in consultation with DOP&T, the nodal Department in respect of aforesaid policy and they have intimated vide OM No.A-27012/1/2014-Estt(AL) dated 26-08-2014 that Children Education Allowance/Hostel Subsidy shall be admissible only for the eldest two surviving children except when the number of children exceeds two as a result of second child birth resulting in twins or multiple births. Copy of DoP&T’s OM is enclosed for information and guidance of all.
3. This disposes of CORE’s letter number E/O/39 dated 05-06-2-2014 & ICF’s letter number PB/WI/Misc/2014 dated 09-06-2014 on the matter.
(Debasis Mazumdar)
Director Estt. (Welfare)
Railway Board
DOPT Clarification on admissibility of Children Education Allowance and Hostel Subsidy
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, P.G. & Pensions
(Department of Personnel & Training)
New Delhi, dated 25/26th August,2014
Subject:- Grant of Children Education Allowance / Hostel Subsidy to third child when first child is not in a position to go to school due to profound mental retardation.
The undersigned is directed to refer to your O.M.No.E(W)2014/ED-2/4 dated 14-07-2014 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the as per OM No.12011/03/2008-Estt.(AL) dated 11.11.2008 and OM No.12011/16/2009-Estt.(AL) dated 13.11.2009 (copies enclosed), Children Education Allowance is admissible for the two eldest surviving children only.
Under Secretary to the Govt. of India
Download DOPT Office Memorandum No.A-27012/1/2014-Estt.(AL) dated 25.08.2014