Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/- pm + DA thereon to the IRMS Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10000

Grant of Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/- pm + DA thereon to the IRMS Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10000 (now Pay Level-14) under DACP Scheme: Railway Board
(Railway Board) रेलवे बोर्ड
S.No. PC-VI/ 405
RBE No. 54 /2021
No. PC-V/2010/A/TA/1(Pt.)E
New Delhi, dated 23.07.2021
The General Manager/CAO(R)
All Zonal Railways & Pus.
Sub: Grant of Transport Allowance @Rs.7000/- pm + DA thereon to the IRMS Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10000 (now Pay Level-14) under DACP Scheme.
Attention is invited to Board’s letter of even number dated 21/08/2019 (RBE No. 138/2019) whereby Board’s decision regarding entitlement of Transport Allowance at the higher rate of Rs.7000/- pm + DA thereon (revised to Rs.15750/- pm + DA thereon based on the recommendations of 7th CPC) to IRMS Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10000 (now Pay Level-14) has been communicated. As per the said decision IRMS Officers drawing Grade Pay of Rs.10000 (now Pay Level-14) under DACPS except those who are holding pinpointed administrative SAG posts mentioned in Board’s (Health Dte.) letter dated 26.02.2009, are not entitled for use of official car in terms of Board’s letter No. E(G)95AL4-9 dated 06/11/1995, and thus, would not be eligible to opt for higher rate of Transport Allowance @ Rs.7000/- pm + DA thereon (which now stands revised to Rs.15750/- pm + DA thereon based on the recommendations of 7th CPC).
2. Consequent to Board’s above decision the issue of recovery of the excess payment against Transport Allowance from such ineligible IRMS Officers has since been under examination and the Board has decided to recover the excess payment from such IRMS Officers who have not been found eligible for Transport Allowance at the higher rate.
3. This has the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
4. Hindi version is enclosed.
(Sudha A Kujur)
Deputy Director, Pay Commission
Railway Board
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