SOP for Direct benefit transfer of Ration Money in lieu of Ration in Kind for Officers

SOP for Direct benefit transfer of Ration Money in lieu of Ration in Kind for Officers: Advisory by Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
Integrated HQ of MoD (Army)
AG’s Branch
Standing Army Pay Commission Section
5th Floor
Defence Office Complex, KG Marg
New Delhi -710001
01 Apr 2022
Southern Command (A) HQ 1 Corps HQ 12 Corps
Eastern Command (A) HQ 2 Corps HQ 14 Corps
Western Command (A) HQ 3 Corps HQ 15 Corps
Central Command (A) HQ 4 Corps HQ 16 Corps
Northern Command (A) | HQ 9 Corps HQ 17 Corps
South Western Command (A) HQ 10 Corps HQ 21 Corps
ARTRAC (A) HQ 11 Corps HQ 33 Corps .
Andaman & Nicobar Command (A) HQ SFF
HQ Strategic Forces Command (A)
1. The procedure of claiming ‘Ration Money’ in lieu of ‘Ration in kind’ has been found to be time consuming and case was taken up with HQ DAD/CGDA, so that payment of ration money may be made through Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) by the O/o PCDA (QO) based on Part II order and sp docus, which would be much simpler and faster process. HQ DAD has kindly consented with the proposal.
2. SOP on claiming ration money alice, duly vetted by HQ DAD vide their letter No AT/Army/BR/Offr/Allow/1484/Vol-VI/E-970 dated 22 Mar 2022 is encl with this letter as Appx ‘A’. Claim for ration money will, henceforth, be processed as per procedure outlined in the SOP. The salient aspects are as given under:-
(a) Admissibility of Ration Money Allowance is as per Rule 174, Pay & Atlo Regulations for Officers in Army-1954 read in conjutiction with MoD letter No 5 66099/Q/ST-6/6879/D(QS) dt 02 Dec 1988. me
(b) Docus as given at Para 4 (b) of SOP will be submitted along with Part-II orders.
(c) Prior approval of local Stn Cdr is mandatory, if ration in kind cannot be drawn under exceptional circumstances as per MoD letter dt 02 Dec 1988 and R 174, Pay & Allowance Regulations for Officers in Army-1954. Procedure for obtaining prior approval of Stn Cdr is as per Appx ‘B’.
(d) However, no prior approval of Stn Cdr would be required for contingencies as mentioned at Para 3 (a) of the SOP as under:-
(i) Leave. Annual leave, casual leave for the duration the officer Spends his causal leave away from the duty station, Sick leave on full pay arid allowances, furlough, maternity and special casual leave.
(ii) Study leave in India when posted to non-military station as notified by Govt. from time to time where ration drawing facilities are not available.
(iii) Invalidment/ termination of contract/ release on full pay and allowances.
(iv) Joining time including preparatory leave while of permanent posting from one station to another.
(v) Courses of instructions.
(vi) Posted to non-military station notified by Govt. from time to time where ration drawing facilities are not existing.
(vii) On temporary duty, who are entitled to free ration but cannot draw rations in kind and are not entitled to daily allowance, may draw ration allowances while in such temporary duty.
3. This office letter No C/7099/Policy/SAPCS/2021 dt 30 Jul 2021 and C/7099/Policy/SAPCS/2022 dt 28 Jan 2022 is superseded in view of these instrs, however there is no change in procedure of taking prior approval as reiterated earlier and given in Appx ‘B’.
4. The above may be disseminated down to all concerned.
(Akhil Kumar Singh)
Col Army Pay Commission Section
for Adjutant General