Restoration of frozen Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief to Central Government Employees and Pensioners – NFIR

Restoration of frozen Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief to Central Government Employees and Pensioners – NFIR writes Letter to PM Narendra Modi
National Federation of Indian Railwaymen
Affiliated to:
Indian National Trade Union Congress (INTUC)
International Transport Workers’ Federation (ITF)
No. l/5(A)/Pt. II
Dated: 05/07/2021
Shri Narendra Modi jee.
Hon’ble Prime Minister.
Government of India,
South Block,
New Delhi
Sub: Restoration of frozen Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief to Central Government Employees and Pensioners respectively-reg.
Ref: (i) Ministry of Finance O.M. No. I / l-2020-E.11 (B) dated 23/04/2020.
(ii) GS/NFIR’s communication vide No. I/5(A) Pt. II dated 25/11/2020 to the Hon’ble Prime Minister.
Since the issuance of orders dated 23/04/2020 by Finance Ministry, freezing the Dearness Allowance and Dearness Relief due for Central Government employees and Pensioners respectively with effect from January, 2020. NFIR has been urging upon Government to review the decision for restoration of DA/DR as the said allowance is legitimate in terms of D.A. formula which is linked with the Consumer Price Index. It was further conveyed that the Central Government employees and Pensioners arc compensated through DA DR for their sustenance in the wake of price rise of various commodities.
NFIR once again submits that the DA/DR due from January and July 2020 and January 2021 stood frozen during the last 18 months, resulting immense hardship to the Central Government employees and Pensioners. The unprecedented rise in prices of various commodities has also eroded considerably the wages and pension of employees and pensioners respectively. The Covid-19 pandemic has also seriously impacted their lives and many landed into debts. NFIR also brings to the notice of Hon’ble PM that another instalment of DA/DR has become due from July, 2021.
In the National Council (JCM) meeting held on June 26, 2021 under the Chairmanship of Cabinet Secretary, the Staff Side delegation has requested the Cabinet Secretary to apprise to the Hon’ble PM. the sufferings of employees and pensioners due to non-payment of entitled DA/DR from January 2020 and convey the request of JCM (Staff Side) for restoration of DA/DR, facilitating payment which includes arrears (for 18 months period) also. NFIR trusts that the Cabinet Secretary has briefed the Government in the matter for action.
Most of the Central Government employees are industrial workers who work in the field at remote places. jungle areas where minimum necessities for living are not available. The Government may appreciate that during COVID-I9 Pandemic (First and Second Wave), the Central Government employees have been performing duties, braving corona virus infection and many also got infected and lost then lives. Over 1.2 Million Railway Employees have been performing their duties exceedingly well amid Covid-19 pandemic and due to their devotion, the Indian Railways have been able to transport over 1233 Million Tonnes of freight traffic during the year 2021-22 which is the highest ever performance. The production of Rolling Slock by Railway Production Units during the year has also been highest ever.
The employees and pensioners are greatly disappointed and frustrated as their DA/DR has not been restored even till date. It may also be appreciated that on account of freezing of DA with effect from January, 2020, the Central Government Employees retired between January, 2020 and June, 2021 have been deprived of their Leave Encashment amount and Gratuity and in many cases the net financial lost incurred by each retired employee during the period has been to the tune of over 1.50 lakh rupees (Gratuity Rs. 96,000+Leave Salary Rs. 60,000) and in some cases, the financial loss it much more.
In nutshell, NFIR expresses that the Central Government employees and Pensioners are the disgruntled lot as their legitimate DA/DR amount has been frozen, causing unbearable hardships to them and their families. Incidentally, it it submitted that the employees have contributed voluntarily “One Day Salary” to PM CARES Fund to fight Covid pandemic, but sadly the decision to freeze DA/DR has demoralized them and equally pensioners.
NFIR. therefore, requests the Hon’ble Prime Minister to look into the misery of employees and pensioners and see that the DA DR it restored and payment of arrears of DA/DR besides refund of foregone amount of Gratuity and Leave Encashment salary is ensured at the earliest. It Is also requested that DA/DR due from July 2021 may be announced and paid soon
With regards.
Yours sincerely
(Dr. M. Kaghavalah)
General Secretary &
Leader JCM/Staff Side
Source: NFIR