Minimum rates of wages and variable dearness allowance from 1st Oct 2018

7th Pay Commission Demand - Increase in minimum wages up to Rs. 26,000

Minimum rates of wages and variable dearness allowance from 1st Oct 2018 –ย Railway Board


RBE No. 169/2018


New Delhi dated: 05.11.2018

The General Managers, Zonal Railways, Production Units.
Metro Railway, Kolkata, CORE, Allahabad
The General Managers,(Construction), All Indian Railways
The Director General, RDSO, Lucknow
The DG/Railway Staff College, Vadodara
The CAO, COFMOW, Tilak Bridge, New Delhi
The CAO, Rail Coach Factory / Raebareli, Kishan Ganj, Delhi-7
The CAO, Rail Wheel Plant, Bela

Sub: Minimum rates of wages and variable dearness allowance w.e. f 01.10.2018.

A copy each of Orders No. (1) 1/38(1)/2018-LS-II, (ii) 1/38/(2)2018, LS-II, (iii) No.1/38/(3)/ 2018- LS-II, (iv) No.1/38/(4)2018 LS-II (v) No.1/38/(5)2018-LS.II (vi)1/38/(6)/2018-LS and (vii) 1/38(7)/2018- LS-II dated 28.09.2018 revising the rates of variable dearness allowance for contract workers engaged in (i) Agriculture (ii) Gypsum Mines, Barytes Mines, Bauxite Mines, Manganese Mines, China Clay Mines, Kyanite Mines, Copper Mines, Clay Mines, Magnesite, Mines, White Clay Mines, Stone Mines, Steatite Mines (including the mines producing Soap Stones and Talc), Ochre Mines, Asbestos Mines, Fire Clay Mines, Chromite Mines, Quratzite Mines, Qrarts Mines, Silica Mines, Graphite Mines, Felspar Mines, Laterite Mines, Dolomite Mines, Red Oxide Mines, Wolfram Mines Iron Mines Ore Mines, Granite Mines,Rock Phosphate Mines, Hematite Mines Marble and Calcite Mines, Uranium Mines, Mica Mines, Lignite Mines, Gracel Mines , Slate Mines and Magnetite Mines (iii) Construction or Maintenance of Roads or runways or Building Operations including Laying Down Underground electric, wireless, Radio, Television, Telephone, Telegraph and Overseas Communication Cables and Similar other Underground cabting work, Electric lines, Water supply lines and Sewerage Pipe Lines (iv) Stone mines (v) Employment of sweeping and cleaning excluding activities prohibited under the Employment of Manual Scavengers and Construction of Dry Latrines (Prohibition) Act, 1993 (vi) Watch and Ward (With arms) and (vii) Loading and unloading in (i) Goods sheds, parcel offices of Railways, (ii) other goods-sheds, godowns, warehouses and other similar employments; (iii) Docks and Ports; And (iv) passengers goods and Cargo Carried out at Airports ( Both International and Domestic). The rates are applicable w.e.f. 01.10.2018.

2. Railways, being Principal Employer are required to ensure that the contractors are complying with the provisions of the Contract Labour (R&A) Act, 1970 and Minimum wages Act, 1948 strictly and arranging prescribed minimum wages to the contract labourers.

3. This issues with the concurrence of the Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways. Please acknowledge receipt.

Jt. Director Establishment (L.L)
Railway Board

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