HRA / Transport Allowance at enhanced rates – Finance Ministry’s letter

HRA / Transportย Allowanceย at enhanced rates to the Centralย Government employees – Finance Ministry’s letter to Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers

Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers has published the letter dated 30.07.2014 received from Finance Minister in reply to Confederation’s demand that Classification of Cities for the purpose of HRA and Transport Allowance applicable to Central Government Employees are to be made based on latest Census 2011 Report.

It is informed by Finance Ministry that it has already initiated action for re-classification of cities / towns based on Census-2011 for the purpose ofย grantย of HRA / Transportย Allowanceย to Centralย Government Employees.

The text of Finance Ministry’s letter dated 31.07.2014 is as follows

Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
New Delhi, 30th July 2014


Theย Secretaryย General,


Confederationย of Central Govt. Employees & Workers,

1st Floor, North Avenue PO Building,

New Delhi โ€“ 110001.

Subject: Grant of HRA / Transportย Allowanceย at enhanced rates to the Centralย Government employeesย as per Census 2011 โ€“ regarding.

Iย amย directed to refer to your letter Ref. No.Confdn./GENL/2014 dated 28.04.2014 on the above mentioned subject and to say that consequent on the Office of the Registrarย Generalย & Census Commissioner publishing the Report of Census-2011, action for re-classification of cities/towns based on Census-2011 for the purpose ofย grantย of HRA / Transportย Allowanceย to Centralย Government Employees, has already been initiated in this Department.

2. However, completion of the process is likely to take time.

Yours faithfully,
Underย Secretaryย to the Government of India

Source : Confederation of Central Government Empoyees and Workers

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