High Court Judges Travelling Allowance Amendment Rules, 2020

High Court Judges Travelling Allowance Amendment Rules, 2020: Ministry of Law and Justice Notification dated 21.12.2020
(Department of Justice)
New Delhi, the 21st December, 2020
G.S.R. 13(E).—In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 24 of the High Court Judges (Salaries and Conditions of Service) Act, 1954 (28 of 1954), the Central Government hereby makes the following rules further to amend the High Court Judges Travelling Allowance Rules, 1956, namely:-
1. (1) These rules may be called the High Court Judges Travelling Allowance Amendment Rules, 2020.
(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette.
2. In the High Court Judges Travelling Allowance Rules, 1956, in rule 2, in sub-rule (1), in clause (e), in the second proviso, clause (iv) shall be omitted.
[F.No. L-11016/1/2020-Jus.-I]
Foot Note: The principal rules were published vide notification number S.R.O. 2401, dated the 23rd October, 1956 in the Gazette of India, dated the 27th October, 1956, in Part II, Section 3, page 1762 and subsequently amended by:—
1. G.S.R. 708, dated 28.2.1957
2. G.S.R. 48, dated 9.1.1959
3. G.S.R. 730, dated 4.5.1965
4. G.S.R. 943, dated 8.6.1966
5. G.S.R. 1768, dated 19.9.1968
6. G.S.R. 891, dated 19.3.1969
7. G.S.R. 784, dated 2.5.1970
8. G.S.R. 1539, dated 4.4.1971
9. G.S.R. 841, dated 21.6.1972
10. G.S.R. 344 (E), dated 12.5.1976
11. G.S.R. 991, dated 28.7.1978
12. G.S.R. 502, dated 23.3.1979
13. G.S.R. 870, dated 23.9.1979
14. G.S.R. 1044, dated 5.8.1980
15. G.S.R. 260, dated 10.3.1981
16. G.S.R. 532, dated 27.5.1982
17. G.S.R. 887, dated 15.10.1982
18. G.S.R. 1007, dated 14.10.1985
19. G.S.R. 1194 (E), dated 7.11.1986
20. G.S.R. 1295 (E), dated 18.12.1986
21. G.S.R. 635, dated 27.7.1988
22. G.S.R. 914 (E), dated 9.9.1988
23. G.S.R. 426, dated 11.7.1990
24. G.S.R. 717 (E), dated 4.12.1991
25. G.S.R. 117, dated 3.3.1992
26. G.S.R. 385 (E), dated 10.5.1995
27. G.S.R. 719 (E), dated 3.11.1995
28. G.S.R. 268 (E), dated 3.7.1996
29. G.S.R. 151 (E), dated 24.2.1999
30. G.S.R. 330 (E), dated 15.4.2011
31. G.S.R. 631 (E), dated 12.7.2018