Guidelines issued by DPE – Implementation thereof – reg leasing of houses for officers in the CPSE

Guidelines issued by DPE – Implementation thereof – reg leasing of houses for officers in the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE)
सं. W-02/0008/2023-DPE (WC)
वित्त मंत्रालय
लोक उद्यम विभाग
लोक उद्यम भवन, ब्लॉक सं.14,
सी.जी.ओ. काम्पलैक्स, लोदी रोड,
नई दिल्ली-110003
दिनांक: 03.11.2023
विषय: Guidelines issued by DPE – Implementation thereof – reg.
It has come to the notice of this department that its guidelines on leasing of Houses for officers in the Central Public Sector Enterprises (CPSE) are not been strictly followed by CPSEs. Hon’ble Division Bench of Lokpal of India has observed that despite there being clear guidelines of DPI dated 05.6.2003, 04.8.2017 and 23.7.2018 on leasing of houses, the same are not being adhered by CPSEs. It is the responsibility of the CPSEs and their administrative Ministries to ensure that such lapses do not occur.
DPE OMs dated 05.6.2003, 04.8.2017 and 23.7.2018 are enclosed herewith for strict compliance.
This issues with the approval of competent authority.
(नरेश कुमार)
अवर सचिव
- The Secretary of all Administrative Ministries/Department
- CMD of all CPSEs
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Source: DPE