Inclusion of all allowances such as HRA, TA and SFA in calculation of OTA to employees of Ordnance factories

Inclusion of all allowances such as HRA, TA and SFA in calculation of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to employees of Ordnance factories as per the provisions of Section 59 of the Factory Act 1948
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & Training
Block-IV, Old JNU Campus
New Delhi-110067
Dated:16th April 2019
Office Memorandum
Subject : Inclusion of all allowances such as HRA, TA and SFA in calculation of Overtime Allowance (OTA) to employees of Ordnance factories as per the provisions of Section 59 of the Factory Act 1948
The undersigned is directed to refer to the representation of All India Association of Non Gazetted Officers of Ordnance and Equipment Fys and Quality Assurance Organisations, dt 04/03/2019 on the subject mentioned above and to say that the instructions on OTA issued by DoPT are not applicable in respect of Government servants who are governed by the Factories Act 1968. Hence the representation referred above is forwarded herewith to take necessary action.
(Sandeep Saxena)
Under Secretary to the Government of India
M/o Labour and Employment
Kind Atten: Shri C.S.Rao, Under Secretary -Admin
Shram Shakti Bhawan, Rafi marg
New Delhi