Admissibility of House Rent Allowance (HRA) – Issue of Non Availability Certificate: PCDA(O) Advisory

Admissibility of House Rent Allowance (HRA) – Issue of Non Availability Certificate: PCDA(O) Advisory No. 34 dated 01.06.2022
Dated:- 01.06.2022
O/o PCDA(O) Pune, Public Relation office PRO
Subject: Admissibility of House Rent Allowance (HRA) – Issue of Non Availability Certificate.
Your kind attention is invited to Min of Defence, New Delhi, letter No. 1(2)/2021-D(Q&C) dated 08th April 2022 duly extending and reiterating the provisions contained in Min of Finance, New Delhi, OM No. 2/5/2017-E.IJIB dated 05th March 2019 regarding revised (modified) Instructions issued as regard to admissibility of HRA to Defence Service Personnel and Dispensation of condition of furnishing ‘No Accommodation Certificate’ (NAC) for admissibility of HRA in respect of Armed Forces Personnel.
As per the earlier practice in vogue, Army Officers were eligible for HRA only on production of ‘Non Availability Certificate’ (NAC) issued by concerned Station Hqrs. However, w.e.f. 08th April 2022, Gol, MoD, New Delhi, vide letter No. 1(2)/2021-D(Q&C) dated 08th April 2022, has issued revised guidelines regarding Dispensation of the condition of furnishing of ‘NAC’ for admissibility of HRA for Defence Personnel i.e. Army Officers.
The following point in regard to NAC may please be followed scrupulously while publishing HRA Part II Orders relating to admittance, processing, acceptance and payment of HRA henceforth viz :-
a. While issuing Part II Orders in the case of Army Officers claiming HRA, responsibility will vest and rest with Commanding Officer so that accommodation shall not remain vacant while individuals are granted HRA.
This order is applicable w.e.f. dated 08 April 2022.
This is for your kind information please.
This is issued with kind approval of PCDA (O), Pune. .
Jai Hind
Shri Lehana Singh, IDAS
(Dy. CDA)
(P.S.: Certificate will be required with all details as mentioned and specified in Documentation Procedure for Publication of Part II Orders (Officers)-2014 as per Annx IV for claiming HRA by the Army Officers.)