Timelines for electronic submission for Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) for the year 2021-2022: EPFO

Timelines for electronic submission for Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) for the year 2021-2022: EPFO Order dated 31.10.2022
File No. HRM-IX/ APAR/ 2021-2022/Timelines/11864
Dated: 31 OCT 2022
All Additional CPFCs (HQ)/ All Addl. CPFCs (Zones)
Director (PDNASS)
All RPFCs/OIC in charge of ROs/ ASD-HO /ZTIs/DOs
Subject: Timelines for electronic submission for Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) for the year 2021-2022 in respect of all cadres (Group ‘A’, ‘B’ and ‘C’ cadres) through HR-Soft application software- regarding.
Kind attention is invited to this office letter of even number dated 3rd October 2022 regarding timeline for various APAR activities for the year 2021-2022.
2. In this connection, it is to state that few offices reported non-completion of APAR mapping/incorrect APAR mapping in respect of few employees and hence requested for reopening of APAR mapping Considering this, APAR mapping functionality shall be reopened from 1st November 2022 to 3rd November 2022 i.e for 03 days. All offices are requested to complete/correct the APAR mapping during this period as no further extension will be given in this regard. For this, all officials may be informed about the reopening of APAR mapping functionality so that those officials whose APAR mapping could not be done or needs to be corrected can get it done through the APAR Custodian.
3. Also, the date of submission of APAR self-appraisal/Reporting/Reviewing and other APAR activities has been revised as under:-
S. No. | Activities | New Deadline |
1 | Submission  of  self-appraisal  by  the  officer  reported  upon  to  the Reporting Officer | 14th November 2022 |
2 | Submission of report by Reporting Officer to Reviewing Officer | 15th December 2022 |
3 | Submission of report by the Reviewing Officer | 16th January 2023 |
4 | Disclosure of APAR to the officer reported upon | 17th January 2023 |
5 | Submission of representation, if any, on APAR Â by the officer reported upon to the APAR Custodian | Within 15 days from the date of disclosure of APAR |
6 | Forwarding of representation by the APAR Custodian to the Competent Authority | 7th February 2023 |
7 | Disposal of representation by the Competent Authority and forwarding it to APAR Custodian | Within one month from the date of receipt of representation by the Competent Authority |
8 | Communication of the decision of the Competent Authority by the APAR Custodian to the office reported upon | Within 15 days from the finalization of the decision by the Competent Authority |
9 | End of entire APAR process after which the APAR will be finally taken on record | 31st March 2023 |
4. It may kindly be noted that from 1st November to 3rd November 2022 (period during which APAR mapping functionality will remain active), submission of self-appraisal APAR activity will not be functional as APAR software application does not allows two activities running simultaneously. It will be functional from 4th November 2022 till 14th November 2022. Hence, all officials will be able to submit the self-appraisal from 4th November 2022 onwards till 14th November 2022.
5. All offices are advised to guide their employees to complete their task of submission of self -appraisal in This can be done through the Reviewing Officers who may remind the employee and their Reporting Officers by seeing the status in their login. A consolidated report may be sent by Zonal Offices/ Head Office/PDNASS as per the format given below:-
Name of the office | Total no. of employees who have to submit their self-appraisal through HR Soft Application software | No. of employees who submitted their self-appraisal by 7th November 2022 | No. of employees who submitted their self- appraisal by 14th November 2022 | No. of employees who their self-appraisal by 14th November 2022 and reason thereof |
Zonal Office, | ||||
Regional Office | ||||
Regional Office, | ||||
Regional Office, |
(Ajeet Kumar)
Regional P.F. Commissioner-I (HRM-IX)
Copy to (through EPFO website) for information and necessary action:
(i) RPFC (NOC) for web upload.
(ii) PS to CPFC, FA&CAO and CVO for information.
(iii) Hindi Section for Hindi version.
Source: EPFO