Extension of Time lines for electronic submission of APAR for the year 2020-21: EPFO

Extension of Time lines for electronic submission of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) for the year 2020-21 through HR soft application software: EPFO
By Web Circulation
कर्मचारी भविष्य निधि संगठन
Employees’ Provident Fund Organisation
श्रम एवं रोजगार मंत्रालय, भारत सरकार
Ministry of Labour & Employment, Government of India
भविष्य निधि भवन/ Bhavishya Nidhi Bhawan
14-भीकाजी कामा प्लेस, नई दिल्ली-110 066
14-Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110 066
Website: www.epfindia.gov.in
File no. APAR-12/2015-16/SPARROW/Part-IV/1032
Date: 30.06.2021
06 JUL 2021
All Addl. CPFCs (HQ) /Addl. CPFCs (Zones),
Director PDNASS
All RPFCs/OIC in-charge of ROs/ASD-HO/ZTIs /Dos
Subject :- Extension of Time lines for electronic submission of Annual Performance Assessment Report (APAR) for the year 2020-21 through HR soft application software.
Reference :- i) Head Office Circular No. APAR-12/2015-16/SPARROW/3221 dt.02.03.2021.
ii) Head Office Circular No. APAR-12/2015-16/SPARROW/565 dt.28.05.2021.
Madam/ Sir,
Please refer to the Head Office Circular No. APAR-12/2015-16/SPARROW/3221 dt.02.03.2021 & Head Office. Circular No. APAR-12/2015-16/SPARROW/565 dt.28.05.2021 on the subject cited above.
2. In this connection the deadlines as per DOPT instruction contained in DOPT order No. 21011/02/2015- Estt(A-II)-Part.II dated 17th June, 2021 for completion of various activities have been revised which are as under. (Copy enclosed).
S.No. | Activities | Deadline |
1. | Generation of APAR | 31st July,2021 |
2. | Submission of self-appraisal to reporting officer | 31st August, 2021 |
3. | Forwarding of report by Reporting Officer to Reviewing Officer | 30th September, 2021 |
4. | Report to be submitted by Reviewing Officer | 15th November,2021 |
5. | Disclosure to the officer reported upon | 30th November,2021 |
6. | Submission of representation, if any, on APAR | 15 days from the date of disclosure. |
7. | Forwarding of representation to the Competent Authority | 31st December,2021 |
8. | Disposal of representation by the Competent Authority | Within one month from the date of receipt of representation by the competent Authority |
9. | Communication of the decision of the Competent Authority on the representation by the APAR Cell | Within 15 days of the finalization of decision by Competent Authority. |
10. | End of entire APAR process, after which the APAR will be finally taken on record | 31 March, 2022 |
3. In this regards, a detailed APAR instruction manual is also enclosed herewith.
(Uma Mandal)
Addl. Central P.F. Commissioner (HRM)
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- PS to CPFC , FA&CAO and CVO for information.
- Hindi section for Hindi version. Encl: As above
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