Extension of timelines for submission of Self-appraisal in APAR for the year 2023-24: DOPT OM dated 15.04.2024

Extension of timelines for submission of Self-appraisal in Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) by the Officer Reported Upon in respect of Central Civil Services for the year 2023-24: DOPT OM dated 15.04.2024
Government of India
Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions
Department of Personnel & ‘Training
North Block, New Delhi -110001
Dated 15th April, 2024
Subject: Extension of timelines for submission of Self-appraisal in Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR) by the Officer Reported Upon in respect of Central Civil Services for the year 2023-24
The undersigned is directed to invite reference to this Department’s OM No.21011/01/2005-Estt.(A)(Pt.II) dated 23.07.2009, on the subject, “Preparation and maintenance of Annual Performance Assessment Reports (APAR)”’.
2. In the light of ensuing Lok Sabha Elections, it has been decided to extend the timelines for submission of self-appraisal in the APAR, by the Officer Reported Upon from 15th April to 30th April, for the year 2023-24.
3. The other timelines, as prescribed at Annexure III of DoP&T’s OM No.21011/01/2005-Estt.(A)(Pt.II) dated 23.07.2009, shall remain the same.
(S. P. Pant)
All Ministries / Departments / Cadre Controlling Authorities of the Government of India
Copy to:
1. AIS Division, DoPT, North Block, New Delhi
2. NIC, for uploading in DoPT website
Source: DOPT