APAR-Performance Appraisal in ICAR
F.No.1(08)/2010-CR Cell
Dated 15th June, 2012
Performance Appraisal is a key component of Human Resource Development in every organization. Government of India guidelines provide for the time schedule for the completion of Annual Performance Appraisal Report(APAR).
APARS of all the Project Coordinators, RMPs of ICAR and all Scientists posted at ICAR Hqrs. are being maintained by CR Cell of ICAR Hqrs. It has been observed from the records of CR Cell of the Council that the APARs of many scientists have not been received in the CR Cell of ICAR Hqrs. so far.
In terms of DoP&T instructions issued vide O.M. dated 16.2.2009 the Reporting Officer and Reviewing Officer should invariably complete the APARS of the officer reported upon by the 30th June and 31st August respectively following the annual reporting period. If the officer reported upon fails to submithis/her self appraisal within prescribed time, Reporting officer may obtain a fresh APAR form from the concerned Establishment Sectionfor completion the relevant part of the APAR.
The Project Coordinators. RMPs of ICAR Hqrs/Institutes and Scientists posted at ICAR Hqrs are therefore requested to do the needful in the matter ensure that their duly reported/reviewed APAR for the period 2011-12 is forwarded to CR Cell of ICAR Hqrs well intime.
(Namrta Sharma)
Deputy Secretary (P)
Source: www.icar.org.in