Store Keeper (Tech) and Asst Store Keeper to get higher grade pay – 7th CPC Recommendations
7th CPC recommends higher grade pay for Store Keeper (Tech) from GP 2800 to GP 4200 and Asst Store Keeper from GP 1900 to GP 2400
7th Pay Commission has recommended higher grade pay for Store Keeper (Tech) and Asst Store Keeper.
Store Keeper (Tech)
The post of Store Keeper (Tech) in IBM is placed in GP 2800, while in GSI it is in GP 4200. The post requires Diploma in Engineering or Degree in Science with three years’ experience. In their representation to the Commission, employees working on this post in IBM have sought parity with their counterparts in GSI.
Analysis and Recommendations
In so far as the qualification required, mode of recruitment and duties performed are at par in IBM and GSI, there should be parity in the pay scales of Store Keeper (Tech) in the two organizations. Hence, it is recommended that the post of Store Keeper (Tech) in IBM should be first upgraded to GP 4200 and then placed at the appropriate level in the pay matrix.
Assistant Store Keeper
The post of Assistant Store Keeper in GSI is placed in GP 2400, while in IBM it is in GP 1900. This post is feeder to the post of Store Keeper (Tech). Employees working on this post in IBM have sought parity with their counterparts in GSI.
Analysis and Recommendations
In so far as the qualification required, mode of recruitment and duties performed are at par in IBM and GSI, there should be parity in the pay scales of Assistant Store Keeper in the two organizations. Hence, it is recommended that the post of Assistant Store Keeper in IBM should be first upgraded to GP 2400 and then placed at the appropriate level in the pay matrix.
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