Children Education Allowance, OT and Travelling Allowance proposed by JCM to 7th CPC

7th Pay Commission – Travelling Allowance, TA on transfer, Daily allowance, Children Education Allowance, Over Time Allowance, Night Duty Allowance, and Patient Care Allowance, proposed by National Council, Staff Side, JCM in the Memorandum submitted to 7th CPC

Travelling Allowance and TA on transfer

The travel entitlement while on tour or transfer as recommended by the VI CPC are as under

Pay Range A-1       class cities A          Class cities      and specially expensive localities B  Class  cities and  specially expensive localities Other localities










Hotel Ordy. Hote


Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs. Rs.
Rs.16000 and above 260 650 210 525 170 425 135 335
Rs.8000      and      to


230 505 185 405 150 330 120 225
Rs.6500 to Rs.7999 200 380 160 305 130 250 105 200
Rs.4100 to Rs.6499 170 245 135 195 110 160 90 130
Below Rs.4100 105 125 85 100 70 85 55 65

We have proposed Time Scale of Pay Structure in our Memorandum in replacement of Pay Band and Grade Pay.   In view of the same, we   propose that all persons belonging to Executive Class may be extended I class by air/ AC First Class by train and all non executive Y class by Air/AC II tier class by train.

Daily allowance.

The entitlement for accommodation, taxi charges and food bills are presently as under:

Grade Pay Daily Allowance


Rs.9000 and above

Reimbursement for Hotel accommodation of upto Rs.5000 per day ; reimbursement of Ac taxi charges  of upto 50  Kms. for travel within  the  city  and  reimbursement of  food  bills  not  exceeding  Rs.500 per day


Rs.6600 to Rs.8400

Reimbursement           for           Hotel

accommodation of upto Rs.3000 per day ; reimbursement of non-Ac taxi charges of upto 50 Kms. Per diem for travel within the city and reimbursement of food bills not exceeding Rs.300 per day



Rs.5400 to Rs.6500

Reimbursement           for           Hotel

accommodation of upto Rs.1500 per day ; reimbursement of taxi charges of upto Rs. 150 per diem for travel within  the  city  and  reimbursement of  food  bills  not  exceeding  Rs.200 per day



Rs.4200 to 4800

Reimbursement for Hotel accommodation of upto Rs.500 per day ; reimbursement of taxi charges of upto Rs. 100 per diem for travel within  the  city  and  reimbursement of  food  bills  not  exceeding  Rs.150 per day


Below Rs.4200

Reimbursement           for           Hotel

accommodation of upto Rs.300 per day ; reimbursement of taxi charges of upto  Rs. 50  per  diem  for travel within  the  city  and  reimbursement of  food  bills  not  exceeding  Rs.100 per day

This scheme of reimbursement of charges has led to persons indulging in undesirable corrupt practices.Iinflated hotel receipts, food bills etc., have been presented by many including highly placed officials.  We think providing a composite rate of daily allowance to take care of accommodation  internal  travel  charges  and  food  bill  would  be  a  proper  …    We,  therefore propose these rates may be as under:-

Category A1 and A class city Other cities
Executives Rs.5000/-per day +DA Rs.3500/- per day + DA
Non- Executives Rs.4000/-per day +DA Rs.2500/- per day + DA

Travelling Allowance on Transfer

Class By Train/Steamer Rate  per  Km  for  transport by Road
Executive Class 6000 Kgs by goods train

/           14           wheeler wagon/1single container.

Rs.50  +DA  (Re.1/-  per  Kg

per Km)

Non Executive Class 3000 Kgs Rs.50  +DA  (Re.1/-  per  Kg

per Km)


We agree that composite Transfer Grant equal to one month Pay + DA alongwith actual fare for self and family as per the entitled class may continue. As regards transportation charges of personal effects we propose the following:-

Children Education Allowance

The Children Education allowance was introduced w.e.f. 1-9-2008 on the basis of the recommendation of 6th CPC.  In the background of escalation of school fees, and other expenses connected with education of Children, the present scheme has been a big relief for the Government employees. Presently the allowance is admissible for two children, for studying in a recognised school upto XII standard. The maximum ceiling  is stipulated at Rs.18000/- since this allowance had been hiked by 50% because of the DA component in salary having been crossed 100% on 1.1.2014. We suggest doubling of this allowance and increasing the same by 50 % whenever the DA crosses over by 50%

The insistence of receipt for each and every expense to claim the allowance is a cumbersome procedure, which serves no purpose at all.  In order to avoid a probable misuse, the  employer  may  be  asked  to  produce  an  affidavit  to  the  effect  the  child/children  were bonafide student of the school.  . In the case of hostel subsidy also,  the procedure is irksome and serves no purpose at all except that the concerned employee could be harassed.   The insistence of receipt etc. in that case also be dispensed with.  In both the cases,   a certificate from the concerned  school authorities that the child is either a bona fide  student or an inmate in the hostel must be treated as sufficient to grant the allowance.

We also suggest that the scheme may be extended to cover children studying for Graduate/Post Graduate and Professional courses. This suggestion is being made in view of the huge expenses involved for the children’s higher studies, especially in the background of the Government  withdrawing  itself  from  the     higher  education  sector  and  allowing  private institutions to come up and extract exorbitant changes for various courses .

We  request  our  suggestion  in  the  matter  may  be  kindly  be  recommended  to  the Government for its acceptance.

Overtime allowance.

Overtime  Allowance  is  seldom  granted  to  the  Government  employees.  Only     in  case  of emergency and  in the contingency in which the work cannot be postponed, the over time allowance is entitled to.

The third, Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Central Pay Commissions had recommended for the discontinuance of Over Time Allowance except in the case of Industrial employees, Staff Car drivers, and operational staff. However the Government continued to pay over time allowance calculated on the basis of notional pay in the pre-revised basic pay of IV Central Pay Commission

The matter was referred to Board of Arbitration in C. A. Reference No. 2 of 2004 on

06.09.2005,  The  award  was  given    in  favour of  the  employees  to  the  effect  that overtime allowance shall be calculated on the basis of actual pay in the Fifth CPC revised Pay scales. This award has neither been placed in the form of a resolution in the parliament so far nor has it been implemented so far. The result is that Rs 15.85 per hour which is 10 times lesser than rate fixed in Railways and Defence is being paid in postal and other Departments.

We propose that over time allowance should  continue to the paid and calculated on the basis of actual pay, DA and Transport Allowance from time to time. The rate of overtime Allowance should be refixed as and when the DA is increased and there shall be no ceiling on amount of overtime allowance which become payable.

Night duty allowance.

The Nigh Duty Allowance as granted now is very meagre and require revision. It is pertinent to mention  that  considering  the  changes  in  the  payment  of  Dearness  Allowance  and  price escalation, the Ministry of Railways has revised the allowance from Rs. 57.90 to Rs. 203.20.

Though the V CPC recommended that the relaxation of the ceiling for Night Duty allowance be restricted to certain  categories of Railways, the Board of Arbitration has given a categorical award that the ceiling of Rs. 2200 (with reference to IV CPC may be lifted in all cases.

We therefore request this Commission to do away with ceiling of Pay for all .

The Govt. had not revised the rate of Night Duty Allowance on the basis of revised pay both while implementing the recommendations of the IV, V, VI Pay Commissions. The Board of Arbitration has also given award that NDA should be calculated on the basis of current rates of pay including DA & CCA.

We therefore, urge upon the VII CPC  to recommend that rates of NDA for all should be computed on the  basis of revised pay recommended by VI CPC and it should be reviewed annually in order to include the DA Admissible.

Patient care / hospital care allowance

Patient/hospital care allowance is presently granted as a lumpsum amount.  This is an allowance, which is hiked by 25% as and when the DA entitlement crosses over 50%.  We suggest that the lump sum amount may be doubled and the rates made uniform in respect of all employees of all Central Government hospitals and Dispensaries. Presently Night duty allowance is denied when the Patient care allowance is granted.  In other words, the two allowances are not concurrently granted.  This is an unjust stipulation in as much as Night Duty allowance is granted when one is asked to perform duty during night. The stipulation may, therefore, be removed.     We request that our suggestion in this matter may be accepted and recommended.

Additional Monetary Incentive for Personnel Posted in N E Region

In consideration of the peculiar situation prevailing in the North Eastern States i.e insurgency, high cost of living, inaccessibility etc., the staff side in the National Council raised the demand for a  special  allowance  to  be  granted  to  employees  posted  in  North  Eastern  States.     The Government  agreed  to  set  up  a  committee  to  look  into  the  grievances.    The  committee suggested for   grant such an allowances. However, when the Government issued orders, the allowance was in fact granted only to those personnel with an all India transfer liability or only for Officers in Group A services.   The said decision generated resentment amongst the other segment of employees.   The North Easter region witnessed tumultuous agitations.   Some employees approached the Court and obtained favourable orders.  But the Government refused to implement those court orders for similarly placed employees.

The matter was brought before the 6th CPC.  The 6th CPC recommended extension of the said benefit to all sections of the employees. Ultimately the Government issued orders to cover all employees with the special duty allowance in 2008 by which all personnel posted in N E Region become entitled for special duty allowance at 12.5%.

On 10th  February, 2009, the Government suo moto issued an O.M (F.No.14017/4/2005 AIS(11) according to which an additional monetary incentive to officers belonging to North East Cadres of the All India Services @ 25% of their basic pay + Grade Pay was granted.   The additional monetary incentive was given the nomenclature “Special allowance for Officers belonging to North East Cadres of all India Services”.  If the grant of the allowance is justified on the ground of remoteness, arduous environment, endemic insurgency etc, how then it could be denied to the employees who are to face the same situation throughout their service career.   The order is discriminatory and repetition of the efforts of DOPT while granting SDA earlier, which had to be rescinded on the recommendation of 6th CPC.  We request the 7th CPC to recommend that in the light of the above cited order dated 10-2-2009 the employees may be granted Special Duty Allowance @ 37 ½ % of pay.

Other Allowances / Advances

We suggest to the VII CPC to recommend to increase the following  allowances and advances, which are presently granted as a lump sum amount to three times in vew of the fact that the revised Minimum wage computed is almost 3.7 time of the emoluments as on 1.1.2014.


Conveyance Allowance

Risk Allowance

Children Education Allowance

Project Allowance

Washing Allowance

Child Care Allowance

Cash Handling Allowance

All other allowances not listed above.


Natural Calamity Advance

Vehicle Advance

Personal Computer Advance

Uniform and Stitching Charges

All other Advances

Check also other proposals submitted to 7th Pay Commission by National Council, Staff Side, JCM

Download Detailed Memorandum dated 30.06.2014 submitted by National Council Staff Side JCM to 7th Pay Commission

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