7th Pay Commission Pay Scales and 7th CPC Pay Calculator – Revisit

Comparison of 7th Pay Commission Pay estimated by GConnect and 7CPC Pay Scales proposed by Staff Side JCM
Update 21.11.2015 : 7th Pay Commission report has been released now. Â GConnect has launched 7th Pay Commission report Pay and Allowances calculator on the basis of pay fixation methods recommended by 7th CPC.
7th Pay Commission Report Pay and Allowances Calculator for Civilian Employees in Central Government
Official Finance Ministry Press Release on Recommendations of 7th Pay Commission
Transport Allowance recommended by 7th pay Commission
HRA recommended by 7th Pay Commission
New 7th Pay Commission Pay Structure, Pay fixation method and fitment Formula
GConnect readers must have gone through the recent article on expected DA from January 2016. Â As the pattern of Consumer Price Index provides a clarity for 6% increase in DA, we have attempted here to estimate 7th Pay Commission Pay Scales, Pay and Allowances, based on DA of 125% with effect from 1st January 2016 as against the 7th CPC Pay estimation using DA of 124%.
Click here to read : Expected DA from January 2016Â

After taking in to account the expected DA of 125% from January 2016, we have esimated 7th Pay Commission Pay Scales, 7th CPC pay and 7CPC Grade Pay as follows
7th Pay Commission Pay Scales, and 7th CPC pay | Using the multiplication factor of 2.25 |
7th Pay Commission Grade Pay | By Providing 40% fitment Benefit |
How Mulitiplication factor of 2.25 and 40% fitment benefit was arrived at ? Click here for details.
7th Pay Commission Pay Scales and Fitment Benefit (7th CPC Grade Pay Structure)
PB | 6 CPCPay bands | 7th CPC Pay Band | 6th CPC Grade Pay | 7th CPC Grade Pay | 6CPC Minimum Basic pay | 7CPC Minimum Basic pay |
1 |
5200-20200 | 13880-47480 |
1800 |
7380 | 7000 |
21240 |
1 |
5200-20200 | 14010-47610 |
1900 |
7540 | 7100 |
21520 |
1 |
5200-20200 | 14130-47730 |
2000 |
7680 | 7200 |
21790 |
1 |
5200-20200 | 14630-48230 |
2400 |
8280 | 7600 |
22890 |
1 |
5200-20200 | 15120-48720 |
2800 |
8880 | 8000 |
23970 |
2 |
9300-34800 | 26040-83160 |
4200 |
14680 | 13500 |
40660 |
2 |
9300-34800 | 26540-83660 |
4600 |
15280 | 13900 |
41760 |
2 |
9300-34800 | 26790-83910 |
4800 |
15580 | 14100 |
42310 |
2 |
9300-34800 | 27530-84650 |
5400 |
16480 | 14700 |
43950 |
3 |
15600-39100 | 41640-94250 |
5400 |
22140 | 21000 |
63700 |
3 |
15600-39100 | 43130-95770 |
6600 |
23940 | 22200 |
66990 |
3 |
15600-39100 | 44370-97010 |
7600 |
25440 | 23200 |
69720 |
4 |
37400-67000 | 94570-160870 |
8700 |
46720 | 46100 |
141100 |
4 |
37400-67000 | 94820-161120 |
8900 |
47020 | 46300 |
141650 |
4 |
37400-67000 | 96180-162480 |
10000 |
48660 | 47400 |
144660 |
4 |
37400-67000 | 98660-164960 |
12000 |
51660 | 49400 |
150130 |
Meanwhile, we have also made a comparison of 7th Pay Commission Pay estimated by GConnect by adopting 6th CPC methods and 7CPC Pay proposed by National Council, Staff Side JCM and Confederation of Central Government Employees and Workers.
Click here to get 7th Pay Commission Pay Scales proposed Staff Side JCM
In this comparison, we have arrived at the Net increase in pay out of 7CPC Pay for employees in each grade pay which is calculated on the basis of present 6CPC pay along with DA as on January 2016 (125%).
This increase in Percentage has been calculated for 7th Pay Commission Pay estimated by GConnect and also for 7th CPC Pay proposed by JCM Seperately.
Present PB and GP | 6CPC Minimum Basic pay | 7th Pay Commission Pay estimated by GConnect | JCM / Confederation proposed 7CPC Basic Pay | % increase in 7cpc pay estimated by GConnect | % increase in 7cpc pay as proposed by JCM |
PB-1 GP 1800 |
7000 |
21240 |
26000 | 35% | 65% |
PB-1 GP 1900 |
7100 |
21520 |
31000 | 35% | 94% |
PB-1 GP 2000 |
7200 |
21790 |
33000 | 35% | 104% |
PB-1 GP 2400 |
7600 |
22890 |
41000 | 34% | 140% |
PB-1 GP 2800 |
8000 |
23970 |
46000 | 33% | 156% |
PB-2 GP 4200 |
13500 |
40660 |
56000 | 34% | 84% |
PB-2 GP 4600 |
13900 |
41760 |
66000 | 34% | 111% |
PB-2 GP 4800 |
14100 |
42310 |
74000 | 33% | 133% |
PB-2 GP 5400 |
14700 |
43950 |
78000 | 33% | 136% |
PB-3 GP 5400 |
21000 |
63700 |
88000 | 35% | 86% |
PB-3 GP 6600 |
22200 |
66990 |
102000 | 34% | 104% |
PB-3 GP 7600 |
23200 |
69720 |
120000 | 34% | 130% |
PB-4 GP 8700 |
46100 |
141100 |
139000 | 36% | 34% |
PB-4 GP 8900 |
46300 |
141650 |
148000 | 36% | 42% |
PB-4 GP 10000 |
47400 |
144660 |
162000 | 36% | 52% |
PB-4 GP 12000 |
49400 |
150130 |
193000 | 35% | 74% |
Want to Calculate 7th Pay Commission Pay for your present Basic Pay ? Use GConnect 7th Pay Commission Pay and Allowances Calculator given below.
[advanced_iframe securitykey=”ramansu6971″ src=”https://www.gconnect.in/pages/2015/new-7cpc/index.html” height=”1600px”]
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