Submission of Life Certifcate in respect of NPS covered Employees

Family Pension / Disability Pension in the case of NPS Covered Employees – Pension Life Certificate
Government of India
Ministry of Finance,
Department of Expenditure
Central Pension Accounting Office
Trikoot-ll, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110056
Te!- : 011-26103074, Fax: 011-26167326
D.O.No.CPAO/NPS/life certificate/2017-18/166
Dated: 16-01-2018
Subject: SUBMISSION OF LIFE CERTIFICATE (under NPS – Additional Relief).
Please refer to this office earlier even 0.M. No.138 dated 27-11-2017 (copy enclosed) regarding submission of Life Certificates of the pensioner. It is again reiterated that the every year a LIFE CERTIFICATE of the concerned family/disability pensioners is to be sent to this office by the concerned bank branch of the pensioner in the month of November. Two months have passed but this office has not received Life Certificates of some of the pensioners (list enclosed). In the absence of Life Certificate this office will not be in a position to disburse the family/disability pension for November 2017 onwards til the receipt of the same.
Therefore, it is again requested to issue necessary instructions to all the bank branches of your bank for the submission of the Life Certificate of the pensioners to this office immediately either via E-mail I.D. ([email protected]) or FAX (No. 011-26162083) or POST so that the family/disability pension can be credited at the earliest and no hardships are caused to the pensioners.
This issues with the approval of Chief Coniroller (Pensions)
(Md.Shahid Kamal Ansari)
Asstt. Contro!ier of Accounts
Ph. No. 011-26103074
Read/Download D.O.No.CPAO/NPS/life certificate/2017-18/166 dated 16.01.2018