Securing NPS transactions through Aadhaar-based access of CRA system under the Government sector: PFRDA

Securing NPS transactions through Aadhaar-based access of CRA system under the Government sector: PFRDA Circular dated 20.02.2024
Pension Fund Regulatory And Development Authority
Circular No: PFRDA/2024/05/Sup-CRA/02
20th Feb 2024
All Central and State Government Nodal Offices, CABs and SABs
Subject: Securing NPS transactions through Aadhaar-based access of CRA system under the Government sector
The Nodal Offices under Central and State Governments including their associated Autonomous Bodies currently utilize a password-based login to access the Central Recordkeeping Agency (CRA) for NPS transactions.
2. To enhance the security measures in accessing the CRA system and safeguard the interests of subscribers and stakeholders, it has been decided to bring in additional security features through Aadhaar-based authentication for login to the CRA system. The Aadhaar-based login authentication will be integrated with the current user id and password-based login process so as to make the CRA system accessible through 2 Factor Authentication.
3. The integration of Aadhaar-based login authentication is a proactive step to fortify the overall authentication and login framework. This initiative is designed to create a secure environment for all NPS activities carried out by Government Offices and Autonomous Bodies.
4. The development of the new system of login framework with these enhanced features is currently underway by the CRAs and is anticipated to go-live on 1st April 2024.
5. CRAs will disseminate a detailed Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) along with the process flow to Government Nodal Offices and engage extensively with Nodal Officers to make them aware of the changes thereby ensuring a seamless transition.
6. All offices under Government Sector and Autonomous Bodies are advised to note the same and put in place the necessary framework for implementation of the additional feature of Aadhaar-based login and authentication in CRA system to perform all NPSrelated activities.
Yours sincerely,
Mohan Gandhi
(Chief General Manager)
Source: PFRDA