Performance Audit of National Pension System – Report No.13 of 2020 of the C&AG: CGA OM

Performance Audit of National Pension System – Report No.13 of 2020 of the C&AG: CGA OM dated 23.03.2022
No. TA-3-201/2/2020-TA-III/cs 4261/104
Ministry of Finance
Department of Expenditure
Office of Controller General of Accounts
Mahalekha Niyantrak Bhawan
E-Block, GPO Complex, INA
New Delhi
Dated: 23.03.2022
Office Memorandum
Subject: Report No.13 of 2020 of the C&AG on “performance Audit of National Pension System” -reg.
Reference is invited to OM No. 18/1/2018-PR dated 4th February, 2022 (copy enclosed) received from Department of Financial Services on the subject cited above.
The information has been sought by DFS in connection with the reply of ATN on the C&AG Audit report as above.
5. In this connection the instructions issued by this office OM No.TA-3-201/2/2020-TA-III/cs4261/19 dated 14/01/2021 may please be referred to for compliance to the ATN on the Audit observations raised in respective Paras of CAG Audit report No.13 against Ministries/ Department concerned.
6. All the Pr.CCAs/CCAs/CAs (IC) in the Ministries/Departments are requested to compile the requisite information through respective nodal offices under their control and a ministry wise report as sought under Para 2 of the DFS OM dated 04/02/2022 may be sent directly to DFS with copy endorsed to this office latest by 28th March, 2022.
7. This may please be accorded priority as the matter is time bound and reply is to be furnished within stipulated time.
(Ashish Kumar Singh)
Dy. Controller General of Accounts
F. No. 18/1/2018-PR
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Financial Services
2nd Floor, Jeevan Deep Building,
Parliament Street, New Delhi,
Dated the 4th February 2022
Sub.: Report No. 13 of 2020 of the C&AG on ‘Performance Audit of National Pension System’ — reg.
The undersigned is directed to refer to the subject matter, Controller General of Accounts’ (CGA) inputs vide UO’ No. TA-3-201/2/2026-TA-IIl/csa-4261/15 dated 14.01.2021 CGA OM No. 1(7)/2019/TA-III/2 dated 07.01.2020 on compensation for delays in crediting of NPS contributions during 2004-2012.
2. While requesting for ATN on the report on the subject, the office of C&AG, has requested to provide the following details:-
(i) Intimate the amount computed and credited on account of compensation for non/delayed deposits during 2004-2012 in accordance with CGA’s OM referred above and the amount computed and credited on account of compensation for non/delayed deposits after 2012 in accordance with CCS(Implementation of NPS) Rules, 2021 notified by Department of Pension & Pensioners’ Welfare (DoP&PW). The amount has been requested Ministry / Department wise.
(ii) Corrective action taken for non-remittance of contribution of Rs. 5.20 crore to the Trustee Bank in four selected Ministries/ Departments as highlighted in para 4.8.1 of the report.
(iii) Para 5.3 :
(a) Details of settled and pending cases of grant of additional relief upon premature death under NPS.
(b) Nodal Office wise status of recovery to be made / already made in cases where payment already made from the NPS corpus or on account of NPS pensions to the subscribers/ family members who had received benefits of additional relief.
3. It is requested to furnish the above details / information urgently for onward submission to the office of C&AG.
(Umesh Chandra)
A Under Secretary to the Government of India