Withdrawal from GPF Accounts – Lok Sabha QA

Withdrawal from GPF Accounts without any intimation – Lok Sabha QA
Government of India
Ministry of Finance
Department of Economic Affairs
Monday, August 8, 2022/ Sravana 17, 1944 (Saka)
Withdrawal from GPF Accounts
3534 Kesineni Srinivas:
Will the Minister of FINANCE be pleased to state:
(a) whether it has come to the notice of the Government that the office of Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh (AP) has permitted the State Government to withdraw the amounts from individual GPF Accounts of AP Government Employees without any intimation or consent of employees during 2021 and 2022;
(b) if so, the details thereof along with the amount withdrawn;
(c) if not, the manner in which the amounts were withdrawn from GPF Accounts of AP Government Employees; and
(d) whether the Accountant General, Andhra Pradesh has taken any corrective action in this regard and restored the withdrawn amounts?
(a), (b), (c) & (d) Office of C&AG has informed that AG (A&E), AP maintains the GPF accounts of AP State Government Employees as per AP GPF Rules. Withdrawals are debits and deposits are credits and are accounted in the Fund in terms of input documents (Monthly Accounts) received from the Treasuries of Government of AP. All entries in the GPF subscriber accounts i.e. the deposits (credits) and withdrawals (debits), are done only as per input documents received from the Treasuries of the Government of Andhra Pradesh. Accordingly, the office of AG (A&E) debited the accounts of GPF subscribers numbering 68020 amounting to a total sum of ₹ 413.73 crores, based on the input documents of March 2021 and March 2022, for withdrawal (reversal) of DA arrears credited earlier on.
Source: Lok Sabha