UPPSC PCS-J Result 2018 Released

UPPSC PCS-J Result 2018 Released; Check at uppsc.up.nic.in
Uttar Pradesh Public Service Commission (UPPSC) has released the final result of Provincial Civil Service- judiciary (PCS-J) Exam 2018 on its official website, uppsc.up.nic.in. Candidates can check their result on the official website of UPPSC, uppsc.up.nic.in. The recruitment drive was conducted for filling a total of 610 vacancies. Akanksha Tiwari is the topper of UPPSC PCS-J exam 2018. The UPPSC PCS-J prelims exam was conducted on December 16, 2018 for which 64691 had applied. The result of prelims exam was declared on January 5, 2019 in which 6041 candidates had qualified for mains exam.
UPPSC PCS-J main exam was conducted on January 30, 31 and February 1, 2019. A total of 5795 students had appeared for the main exam out of which 1847 had qualified for interview which was held from June 21 to July 17, 2019. Out of the 1847 candidates who appeared for interview, 610 candidates successfully cleared it and made it to the final merit list.
How to check UPPSC PCS-J Result 2018?
- Visit the official website, uppsc.up.nic.in
- On the homepage under Information Bulletin, “LIST OF SELECTED CANDIDATES IN U.P. JUDICIAL SERVICE CIVIL JUDGE (JR. DIV.) EXAM-2018”
- A pdf file will open containing the roll number & names of selected candidates
- Check your name in that list
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Best wishes – Gconnect