Updation of ASLAAS card number in Agent Portal by MPKBY Agents

Updation of ASLAAS card number in Agent Portal by MPKBY Agents: Department of Posts Order dated 27.10.2021
SB Order No. 32/2021
F. No. FS-07/3/2021-FS-DOP
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Financial Services Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 27.10.2021
All Head of Circles / Regions
Subject: – Regarding updation of ASLAAS card number in Agent Portal by MPKBY Agents.
Madam / Sir,
This office was receiving representations from the MPKBY Agents and Agents Association to provide provision for storing ASLAAS card number against each RD account in Agent Portal.
2. This issue was examined in detail and the competent authority has decided to make necessary changes in Agent Portal to update & store ASLAAS card number for each RD Account opened by MPKBY agents.
3. From 01.11.2021 this provision will be available in Agent Portal. All MPKBY agents should update ASLAAS card number in Agent Portal for RD account opened/linked with them. It is the responsibility of the respective MPKBY agent to ensure the correctness of ASLAAS card number entered in the Schedule.
4. A detailed procedure for updating and storing ASLAAS card number for each RD Account in Agent Portal is attached for information, guidance and necessary action. If required, concerned CBS post offices may guide the MPKBY agents attached to their post office in this regard.
5. It is requested to circulate this amendment to all CBS Post Offices for information and guidance and necessary action. A copy of the procedure may be displayed in the notice board of the CBS post offices for information to MPKBY agents.
6. Hindi version of this SB order will be issued in due course.
7. This is issued with the approval of the competent authority.
Enclosed: – As above
Yours Sincerely
(Devendra Sharma)
Assistant Director (SB-II)
Source: DOP