Tripura 7th Pay Commission Notification and Pay Matrix

Tripura Government Employees 7th Pay Commission Revised Pay Notification and Pay Matrix

Tripura Govt Employees 7th CPC Revised Pay Notification

No. F. 7(2) โ€“ FIN(PC)/2018/

Dated, the 11th October, 2018


The Government has approved to implement the following recommendations made by the Expert Committee for the employees, workers & pensioners of the State Government, Subordinate judiciary, Tripura Legislative Assembly Secretariat, Tripura public Service Commission, Grants-in-aid Schools, Tripura Board of Secondary Education
and other Constitutional Bodies:

2.1] Date of effect of the revision of Pay /wages/ Pensions shall be from 01.10.2018

2.2] New pay structure shall be in the form of โ€œTripura State Pay Matrix 2018โ€ with 21 Levels as given at Annexure โ€“ I. [ See the pay matrix ]This Matrix will replace โ€œTripura State Pay Matrix 2017โ€, which was prepared by using multiplication factor of 2.25. This multiplication factor shall be raised to the level of multiplication factor of 2.57, generally, in โ€œTripura State Pay Matrix 20!8โ€, subject to the condition that wherever the Revised Pay works out higher than the corresponding Pay as per 7th CPC recommendations as a result of application of multiplication factor of 2.57, suitable adjustments have been made with a view of keep parity with the 7th CPC recommendations. As a result, the multiplication factor is slightly lower than 2.57 at some levels of the โ€œTripura State Pay Matrix 2018โ€. To further elaborate, the Pay in a particular Cell of the โ€œTripura State Pay Matrix 2018โ€ณโ€˜has been arrived at by dividing the figure in corresponding Cell in โ€œTripura State Pay Matrix 2017โ€ by 2.25 and, then multiplying it by applicable multiplication factor at the particular level under โ€œTripura State Pay Matrix 2018โ€ [rounded off to nearest 100 rupees as per 7th CPC pattern)

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Revised Tripura Pay Matrix Table Oct 2018

Pay Band 4840-13000 5700-24000 10230-34800 15600-39100 37400-67000 52000-77000
Grade Pay 1400 1650 1800 1900 2000 2100 2200 2400 2800 4200 4400 4600 4800 5400 6600 6800 7000 7100 7600 8700 NIL
Entry Pay 6240 6580 6920 7300 7700 8060 8340 9840 10620 13500 14630 16690 18660 21000 25200 26610 27460 27840 29920 46100 52000
Level 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21
1 16000 16500 17000 17500 18000 20700 21400 25300 27300 34700 37600 42900 47600 54000 64800 68400 70600 71500 76900 118500 130000
2 16500 17000 17500 18000 18500 21300 22000 26100 28100 35700 38700 44200 49000 55600 66700 70500 72700 73600 79200 122100 133900
3 17000 17500 18000 18500 19100 21900 22700 26900 28900 36800 39900 45500 50500 57300 68700 72600 74900 75800 81600 125800 137900
4 17500 18000 18500 19100 19700 22600 23400 27700 29800 37900 41100 46900 52000 59000 70800 74800 77100 78100 84000 129600 142000
5 18000 18500 19100 19700 20300 23300 24100 28500 30700 39000 42300 48300 53600 60800 72900 77000 79400 80400 86500 133500 146300
6 18500 19100 19700 20300 20900 24000 24800 29400 31600 40200 43600 49700 55200 62600 75100 79300 81800 82800 89100 137500 150700
7 19100 19700 20300 20900 21500 24700 25500 30300 32500 41400 44900 51200 56900 64500 77400 81700 84300 35300 91800 141600 155200
8 19700 20300 20900 21500 22100 25400 26300 31200 33500 42600 46200 52700 58600 66400 79700 84200 36800 87900 94600 145800 159900
9 20300 20900 21500 22100 22800 26200 27100 32100 34500 43900 47600 54300 60400 68400 82100 86700 89400 90500 97400 150200 164700
10 20900 21500 22100 22800 23500 27000 27900 33100 35500 45200 49000 55900 62200 70500 84600 39300 92100 93200 100300 154700 169600
11 21500 22100 22800 23500 24200 27800 28700 34100 36600 46600 50500 57600 64100 72600 87100 92000 94900 96000 103300 159300 174700
12 22100 22800 23500 24200 24900 28600 29600 35100 37700 48000 52000 59300 66000 74800 89700 94800 97700 98900 106400 164100 179900
13 22800 23500 24200 24900 25600 29500 30500 36200 38800 49400 53600 61100 68000 77000 92400 97600 100600 101900 109600 169000 185300
14 23500 24200 24900 25600 26400 30400 31400 37300 40000 50900 55200 62900 70000 79300 95200 100500 103600 105000 112900 174100 190900
15 24200 24900 25600 26400 27200 31300 32300 38400 41200 52400 56900 64800 72100 81700 98100 103500 106700 108200 116300 179300 196600
16 24900 25600 26400 27200 28000 32200 33300 39600 42400 54000 58600 66700 74300 84200 101000 106600 109900 111400 119800 184700 202500
17 25600 26400 27200 28000 28800 33200 34300 40800 43700 55600 60400 68700 76500 86700 104000 109800 113200 114700 123400 190200 208600
18 26400 27200 28000 28800 29700 34200 35300 42000 45000 57300 62200 70800 78800 89300 107100 113100 116600 118100 127100 195900 214900
19 27200 28000 28800 29700 30600 35200 36400 43300 46400 59000 64100 72900 81200 92000 110300 116500 120100 121600 130900 201800
20 28000 28800 29700 30600 31500 36300 37500 44600 47800 60800 66000 75100 83600 94800 113600 120000 123700 125200 134800 207900
21 28800 29700 30600 31500 32400 37400 38600 45900 49200 62600 68000 77400 86100 97600 117000 123600 127400 129000 138800 214100
22 29700 30600 31500 32400 33400 38500 39800 47300 50700 64500 70000 79700 88700 100500 120500 127300 131200 132900 143000
23 30600 31500 32400 33400 34400 39700 41000 48700 52200 66400 72100 82100 91400 103500 124100 131100 135100 136900 147300
24 31500 32400 33400 34400 35400 40900 42200 50200 53800 68400 74300 84600 94100 106600 127800 135000 139200 141000 151700
25 32400 33400 34400 35400 36500 42100 43500 51700 55400 70500 76500 87100 96900 109800 131600 139100 143400 145200 156300
26 33400 34400 35400 36500 37600 43400 44800 53300 57100 72600 78800 89700 99800 113100 135500 143300 147700 149600 161000
27 34400 35400 36500 37600 38700 44700 46100 54900 58800 74800 81200 92400 102800 116500 139600 147600 152100 154100 165800
28 35400 36500 37600 38700 39900 46000 47500 56500 60600 77000 83600 95200 105900 120000 143800 152000 156700 158700 170800
29 36500 37600 38700 39900 41100 47400 48900 58200 62400 79300 86100 98100 109100 123600 148100 156600 161400 163500
30 37600 38700 39900 41100 42300 48800 50400 59900 64300 81700 88700 101000 112400 127300 152500 161300 166200 168400
31 38700 39900 41100 42300 43600 50300 51900 61700 66200 84200 91400 104000 115800 131100 157100 166100
32 39900 41100 42300 43600 44900 51800 53500 63600 68200 86700 94100 107100 119300 135000 161800
33 41100 42300 43600 44900 46200 53400 55100 65500 70200 89300 96900 110300 122900 139100
34 42300 43600 44900 46200 47600 55000 56800 67500 72300 92000 99800 113600 126600 143300
35 43600 44900 46200 47600 49000 56700 58500 69500 74500 94800 102800 117000 130400 147600
36 44900 46200 47600 49000 50500 58400 60300 71600 76700 97600 105900 120500 134300 152000
37 46200 47600 49000 50500 52000 60200 62100 73700 79000 100500 109100 124100 138300 156600
38 47600 49000 50500 52000 53600 62000 64000 75900 81400 103500 112400 127800 142400 161300
39 49000 50500 52000 53600 55200 63900 65900 78200 83800 106600 115800 131600 146700
40 50500 52000 53600 55200 56900 65800 67900 80500 86300 109800 119300 135500 151100