TN TRB Computer Instructor Results 2019 Released

TN TRB Computer Instructor Results 2019 Released; Check at
Teachers Recruitment Board, Tamil Nadu (TN TRB) has released the result of Computer Instructors Grade I (PG Cadre) on its official website, The candidates who have appeared for the TN TRB Computer Instructor Grade (I) examination can check their result from the official website, Teachers Recruitment Board conducted the Computer Based Examination for the Direct Recruitment of Computer Instructors Grade – I (Post Graduate cadre) on 23.06.2019 and 27.06.2019.
Official notification reads, “26882 candidates appeared for Computer Instructor Grade – I(PG Cadre) Examinations. The Tentative Answer Keys were published on 29.07.2019 in the website of the Teachers Recruitment Board and representations, objections etc., were invited from the candidates upto 05.30 p.m on 03.08.2019. All the representations received within the stipulated time have been thoroughly examined by Subject Experts. After thorough scrutiny, a revised and Final Answer Key has been arrived. Based on the revised key, candidate’s Computer Based Exam answer data has been valued and the normalized marks are published herewith based on the Interim Orders passed in W.A. No. 3758 of 2019, filed against the Interim Injunction passed in W.M.P. No. 24643 of 2019, dated 09.09.2019 in W.P.No. 25064 of 2019.”
The normalized marks are calculated by following the procedure as mentioned in Notification Para 7 (iv), as multi sessions examinations were conducted for the same recruitment.
Now, normalized marks obtained by all the candidates who have appeared for examination are hereby released along with the Final Answer Key.
Utmost care has been taken in preparing the provisional mark list and in publishing them. Teachers Recruitment Board reserves the right to correct any errors that may have crept in. Incorrect list will not confer any right of enforcement.
How to check TN TRB Computer Instructor Results 2019?
- Visit the official website,
- On the homepage, click on the link, “Direct Recruitment of Computer Instructors Grade I (PG Cadre) – 2018 – 2019 – Publication of Computer Based Examination Result”
- A New Window/page will open
- Click on the link, “Click – Publication of Marks”
- A PDF file will open containing the roll number & marks of selected candidates
- Check your roll number in that file
Bookmark this page using the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + D to refer to this page and check your results and other exam-related updates. All the Best!
Best wishes – Gconnect