Time Extension for providing further information/clarification by the Chief Vigilance Officer: CVC Circular

Time Extension for providing further information/clarification by the Chief Vigilance Officer, as sought by the Commission: CVC Circular No. 13/04/22 dated 12.04.2022
केन्द्रीय सतर्कता आयोग
सतर्कता भवन, जी.पी.ओ. कॉम्प्लैक्स,
ब्लॉक-ए, आई.एन.ए., नई दिल्ली-110023
Satarkta Bhawan, G.P.O. Complex,
Block A, INA, New Delhi-110023
सं/No. ……….000/VGL/018/510250
दिनांक/Dated …….. 12.04.2022
Circular No. 13/04/22
Subject: Time Extension for providing further information/clarification by the Chief Vigilance Officer, as sought by the Commission – reg.
Reference: Commission’s Office Order No. 11/09/20 dated 10.09.2020
Central Vigilance Commission in accordance with the provisions contained under Section 8(1)(g) of CVC Act 2003, tenders advice on Vigilance related matters to the organisations covered under its advisory jurisdiction.
2. During the course of examination of cases/records received from the authorities, on a few occasions, it is observed that either the information/records forwarded to the Commission are incomplete or lack clarity, so that the Commission is able to arrive at a logical conclusion.
3. In order to ensure timely action, the Chief Vigilance Officers/Authorities concerned are required to provide the information/clarification, whenever sought, within 30 days of the receipt of the communication from the Commission. It has been observed on some occasions that the information/clarification is not received from the authorities concerned within the 30 days’ time limit. Neither the authorities concerned inform the Commission that they would require more time to submit the information/clarification as sought by the Commission.
4. The Commission has therefore desired that in those cases, where further information/clarification has been sought from the authorities concerned and for some reasons, it is not possible to provide the desired information/clarification within the 30 days’ time period, the Chief Vigilance Officer/authority concerned in the respective organisation must seek extension of time from the Commission for providing the required information. The reasons for the delay/seeking extra time for providing information/clarification and the time period within which the information/clarification would be submitted to the Commission, should also be specifically mentioned in the communication being sent to the Commission for this purpose.
5. It may be noted for strict compliance in future.
(Rajiv Verma)